Necro Power use bugged when spamming spells

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Necro Power use bugged when spamming spells

Necromancer seems to be bugged. If you spam your spell button to queue next spell just like you do on any caster, the power for the spell is taken every time you press the spell button regardless if the spell is used or not.

So lets say im in a hectic fight and spamming a nuke button, the power is taken every time, so if i spam the button 10 times in 2 seconds then 10x the spell cost is taken from your power pool. You can send yourself from 100 to zero power in seconds if you spam a spell.

Surely this should be like every other caster where it doesn't take the power until the spell is used???
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Re: Necro Power use bugged when spamming spells

It was always like this