Seige golem spawns from killing enemy realm Seige capitan in BGs

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Seige golem spawns from killing enemy realm Seige capitan in BGs

I've seen many people bring this issue up but I can't find a proper accounting of it.

I managed to capture 2 bugs here, 1 the Mid siege golem spawned from killing the mid Siege Capitan in Wilton. I have seen this happen in every battleground so far. If the enemy npc has any tokens on it and is killed it will auto spawn the golem, even if there is only 1 token placed on it. In this case a dwarf turned in tokens, and it caused us to spawn the golem on our own keep.

The second bug is a pathing issue the golems have in WIlton, they end up getting stuck underwater and teleporting around. From my time running a DOL server for DAOC i can recommend making extra path points like checkpoints for the golem to follow, it helps them stick to the bridge better.
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Re: Seige golem spawns from killing enemy realm Seige capitan in BGs

Thanks for your report! We originally had a mechanic that it would spawn when the siege captain was slain. It was still going off when that occurred sometimes :)

Should be fixed now. Let me know if you see it again!