The Journey Begins - Feedback (Fresh lvl1 warrior):

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The Journey Begins - Feedback (Fresh lvl1 warrior):

The Journey Begins - Feedback (Fresh lvl1 warrior):
- New characters should just start spawned in here next to Geirvir the Wise or have level 1 beginner quests that send you here from Aegir (where i spawned) Mularn/ Vasu etc. Maybe at least force it on the first character created, it can only help, those that want to immediately leave know how to.
- The weapon/armor vendors wares should be removed and replaced with the Quartermaster wares. not only is it 85 qua vendor garbage, its more than 10x the cost of quartermaster gear and will only instill salt from people who buy it vs quartermaster wares. but eh
- When you spawn into Hafheim tutorial area, it should port you right up near Geirvir the Wise. True noobs may not make the short hike up the road to explore enough to find em or wander off down over the bridge and waste a bunch of time and as of this post instant die to bugged Albion Invader aggro radius (more on that below).
- Got a weapon and bracer in my first few boar kills, this drop rate will feel geat naked at launch
- The first followup quest to Arnama gives an awesome beginner dialog box filled full of insanely useful Eden system flow stuff. I would pop this open for every character every time they login to the game until they are past level 5 or something regardless. Well done on this server help snippit.
- Possibly drop a hastner at Geirvir or have him give you hastner
- Frans the Blacksmith and Lumberjack npcs down by the river have most of their armor invisible/missing =p
- The double kill 5 spider quest counts for both, but does not accurately show kill count in log. Spider foragers worked correctly, but my other quest for non forager named was 0/5 the whole time until I just turned it in.
- Not sure if intendd, but each Hibernian invader counted as named kill for rog loot drop, each mob was dropping 3 rogs at a time. not sure if intended but you will def be geared after this quest right now! Have to admit, the loot pinata was really fun and having lots of starter gear to pick through felt great.
- The Hibernian Sergeant and Commander say aggressive, but they are fully neutral and have no aggro, not sure if intended.
- I was halted at level 8, there is a MASSIVE aggro radius on the invaders and commander npcs over the bridge. It is not possible to solo this, basically the entire island comes at you from 2k+ units away. While I eventually learned thi sis actually not the correct place to kill an albion commander (although I did finally manage to kill a commander here for credit after sniping one from a deaggro walk back), the red dot on my map showed me to go exactly here... This needs moved so that and instead the dot shows on the actual dock to point people to the boat guy. 3 other people were also confused and chain dying trying to complete this right now =p
- Finished right at 10 as expected in mularn

Great job!
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Re: The Journey Begins - Feedback (Fresh lvl1 warrior):

Things may have changed since you opened this ticket.
My new toon came to life standing in front of Geirvir the Wise.
There was a QM standing beside him.
You can quickly earn the 3s needed for a decent weapon, which makes a huge diff.

Thanks for the writeup !!!!
Forgiveness is the scent the rose leaves on the heel that crushes it.
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