Lets say you want to recorder the following actions into one recorder: Stick (bound to key F in this example), Sidestyle + Followup, Anytimer + Followup.shofarianstarfall wrote: ↑Sun Aug 25, 2024 8:48 amCan you please explain like im 5 How you do this
With recorder, I have a single button that i push that has all my followup styles for all celtic spear and blades openers, with anytimes for both blades and spear.
Type the following:
- /recorder start
- /recorder sendkey F
- Click the followup of sidestyle
- Click the sidestyle
- Click the followup of anytimer
- Click the anytimer
- /recorder save AnySide
A "recorder" category should be found in your spellist with a spell called "AnySide".
This one button will perform actions in the following order instantly: Stick, FU of Side, Side, FU of Any, Any.
You might have to /cancelstyle off, in order to make it work if you didn't do that already.