midgard farming character

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midgard farming character

hi there,

returning to daoc for eden season 3. my friends want to play midgard. i havent played daoc since way back in the day and back then i played hib.

a lot has changed! what character farms well solo. id like to be able to keep up with my friends and make money for templates etc.

was thinking hunter or bonedancer...
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Re: midgard farming character

itsthety wrote: Tue Jan 07, 2025 5:04 pm hi there,

returning to daoc for eden season 3. my friends want to play midgard. i havent played daoc since way back in the day and back then i played hib.

a lot has changed! what character farms well solo. id like to be able to keep up with my friends and make money for templates etc.

was thinking hunter or bonedancer...
You won't even need to farm oldschool. You can participate in every PvE raid you see and sell currency you don't need to other players. Beside that, bd might work, but Dia seal farming in DF is probably one of the most profitable ways to make money and melees are better in that case. Would recommend a Valk or something else than can chainkill reds.
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Re: midgard farming character

The drop rate is different here on Eden, so you're not going to farm the way we did back in the day because your typical non-named mob isn't going to drop salvage the way they did on other servers. Named mobs have the highest chances to drop salvage, so everybody, and I do mean EVERYBODY, focuses on those mobs when they try to farm old school style. IMO, the two best farmers for solo work are the BA specced bonedancer, and the Valk. The bonedancer is very power efficient because the pets can do the majority of the work, and the Valk is effective because it's tanky and can spec for more dps and some heals. Others may chime in, but imo a Valk is the better option as they can deal with rupts and adds better than the BD in places with high mob concentrations like DF.

Good luck.
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Re: midgard farming character

I think Valk is the best farming character in Mid atm.

As mentioned by Idi -> Named mobs have the highest dropchance.
But the drops are generated based on the classes that slay those named mobs. (At least in dungeons)

For example a bonedancer will get clothes, staves and jewlery
A Valk will get off the same named mob Chainarmor, swords, spears, shield and jewlery
A Hunter for example will get Studded armor, bows, spears, swords and jewlery
(beside the fixed items a named can drop - See more in the bestary for that)

If you slay a named mob with a group the pool of items is generated based on all classes in that group but can be distributed to all classes within that grp.

-> If there is a grp/duo with BD + Valk and you slay a named mob it generates a pool of items that are useful for both classes (cloth armor and chain armor dor example). But if can happen that the BD gets some chain armor items or the Valk gets cloth armor for example.

In order to get many salvagable items that turn into metal the Valk is the better choice.

Bedise those two classes I think the WL will be decent in S3 as well.
Huge frontload dmg and no downtime because of manaless casts and pom20 selfbuff.
And also nice in PvE Grps because of damage AND massive heals.

IMHO I would say Valk > BD > WL > Savage/Thane > Rest
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