Where is recorder documentation?

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Where is recorder documentation?

I can find only references to help with recorder stating to read the documentation but the only thing I've found anywhere is when you type /recorder in game, resulting in a brief listing of commands. That isn't documentation. That's just a quick summary.

I understand how to basically use it.

But anyway I'm confused about another thing.

How can I know which icon I'm assigning to it should I want to change it? i.e. icon names, whatever. The "spell IDs from the Eden Website." to quote the video. Where are the ID's on the website? Is there no documentation for recorder on the website? I have found by searching just a few posts referring to specific things, and that's all.
Where on my computer does it then save this macro? I'm using Win10.

I'm looking for actual documentation, not a quick list of commands like you find on Linux. Even Linux then directs you to the actual documentation. A help file to read, something. Am I just dumb? I can't seem to really get this.

I'm a DAOC player starting from 2003, so this game and it's directory location, custom ui's, etc. is not new to me. Macros are not new. But Eden and this recorder are.
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Re: Where is recorder documentation?

They're saved on the server not on your PC.
Icon IDs are on the charplanner.

Documentation is in announcements and patch notes - outside of that you will have to rely on community made resources. Sorry about that.
Amnesia is the best button in the game.
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