Confuse spell is make mobs bug

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Confuse spell is make mobs bug


We find a bug with confuse. I try to explain as best as I can :

- Videos

- Description of bug
When we confuse a mob not in combat, the mob is enter in bug mode. It not attack you or react to anything. That can cause bug exploit in futur to farm boss encounter.

- How to reproduce
The only way of this bug appear is :
- When the mob is not in combat
- Confuse apply directly
- If consuse is resisted, bug did not appear anymore

If you respect what mention up, just confuse the mob ant attack him. He will not react during combat
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Confuse bug


after you confuse a mob (in this case with lvl 2 or lvl 7 confuse spell from a sorc) and the mob is nuked the mob instantly heals to full health.

If it is poisoned it heals after the first tick but not the following ticks.

I dont know if this is intended or live like behavior.

I know it from another freeshard the mob can be damaged and killed in a confused state.
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Confuse Broken for PVE

Confuse on mobs will make that mob unkillable and all mobs in area will attack it (all lvls i believe)
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Re: Confuse Broken for PVE

Just tested it, I don't have the same result but it's still seem pretty broken.

The mob I confused (lvl 27 sorcerer confuse) attacked another one and for about 10 sec they were stuck duelling without losing life.
Then the confused mob ran and aggroed a bunch of other mob (4-5) and they killed it.

Second time I tried to confuse one of the mob that was returning to its spawn, and he got aggroed by 2 mobs that killed him after he arrived at his spot.

So it seem like they are not confused, the bahviour seems to imply a faction change. Confused mob aren't suppose to be attacked by other mobs until they themselves attack
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Bewilderment causing mobs to reset

"lvl 15 minstrel spell cant of bewilderment makes mobs go back to 100% hp every few seconds because of reset"

Reported by player, confirmed by watching: Mob pulled, takes damage, confusion spell cast, mob stands still, takes damage, resets, takes damage, resets, cant be killed until confusion wears off.
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Re: Confuse spell is make mobs bug

Reworked confuse with next patch. Please open a new thread for any other issues. Thank you for your reports.