midgard situation

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midgard situation

devs, wanna do something about the actual situaton of midgard?

yesterday night midgard rvr bg was about made of 50 ppl , the spam coming from keep guard told us there's 90-99 ppl in the area...

and is like this every night on eu time.

the bg was melted by hibs and then by albion making people quit couse nobody wanna be a free rp giver...

server info tell every time midgard have at least 6% less ppl of other realm...

darkness fall never belong to midgard...i have the quest for buy df item on like 4-5 chart stuck for months...
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Re: midgard situation

Darkness falls seems to always belong to Midgard during NA prime time. Never Hib. Migard and Alb tossing DF back and forth like a 100lb hooker. Mid population is usually 6-12% higher than the other two realms during NA prime time as well.
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Re: midgard situation

Mid is fine, people jump out of BG if they have 2-3 early losses.

If the BG leader can get a couple of wins under their belts/ take a few towers without an early wipe then the number builds well.

I would question a certain part of the player base.

Look it will always be difficult vs Hibs, they commonly have 50-80 early on EU time.
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Re: midgard situation

Midgard often has 40-50% of the server pop during NA Eastern evening hours
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Re: midgard situation

People just follow the good leads. This is not a pop issue. A Polemo will summon a 80+ BG while lead that are not as good will have half that.
On Hibs Pilz is there all the time, and give result, so the hib bg is most of the time bigger.

There is also one particular bg lead on Mid that i won't name, that have a big ego issue, and cause people to actively not join him. He think he's the best but often do stupid move and then blame the bg for not listening.

So in short, learn to lead, earn the trust, and you'll get big bg. Easier said than done tho.
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