Why so resistant to make Soloing ACTUALLY viable?

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Re: Why so resistant to make Soloing ACTUALLY viable?

Sharing my perspective here.

I absolutely do not mind that some solo classes can easily dominate others. I don't want DAOC to be a fair 1v1 game - far from it. I love the class diversity and that not every class can beat every other class. My problem with things at this point is with the playerbase. Nobody but myself (apparently) seems interested at all in killing enemy gankers and roamers in our own frontier. Yet, I find our players in enemy zones all the time. I'll call out things as simple as "hey there's a 5% nearly dead spiritmaster at our dock" and nobody will even come for the free RPs. I couldn't care less about dying, but it annoys me that people seem so caught up in KOTH and EV that pressing "teleport" to a castle and walking outside for 30 seconds to get a lot of RP is apparently just a bother.

And yes, before you say well that's what you get for being a solo player, I answer the call every time others ask for help, unless it's something obvious I can't beat like a smallman or large group. And even then I'll check it out to see if anyone else is helping (which, I admit sometimes does happen, but usually only if 8 man is the issue). If someone is yelling help at the dock, you bet I'll be there ASAP. And we almost always win, because gankers are not used to being the ganked and never expect it.

If this game is just going to be a MOBA, I do not want to log in anymore. No shade at the ones who want to participate in that, but I just wish there were more on Eden who liked playing like I do. I reckon that's the nature of DAOC, but I just don't see why it has to be. I don't expect to be made into some 1v1 deathmatch powerhouse, I just want to not feel like I'm the only person out here and that someone else cares at all about anything but KOTH/EV.

Either way, soloing is just too frustrating, even doing quests in my own frontier. We get ambushed, so why shouldn't we ambush them? Or at least defend against them. I don't get it. Don't we want our greys to level up fast and get in the BG too?
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Re: Why so resistant to make Soloing ACTUALLY viable?

From what I understand, all three events (KotH, TOB, EV) are all back to back to back every single day. Why? Why not spread it out so that more people who can't play then can participate? Also, so there isn't a two and a half hour straight chunk where soloing is useless. I'm all for events, but they are taking away from everything I love about DAOC at this point when they reward SO much more than anything else in the game and occur multiple times a day. It's like the game becomes a ghost town during these events. No one to quest with, no one to hunt, nothing to do. If the game is going to continue further into events like KOTH/EV/TOB I wish someone would just tell me so I can just quit right now and not waste my time investing into a shard that doesn't want me to play how I want to.
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Re: Why so resistant to make Soloing ACTUALLY viable?

It’s fine if people want to solo, smallman, 8man or BG, it’s all part of the game and always has been. People prefer all kinds of different playstyles and shouldn’t be forced into doing X, Y or Z. I also don’t think those play styles need to be wildly catered to or anything either. RvR has always been relatively organic in that sense. However, I do wish there was some deterrent for overwhelming odds specifically in the defined smallman areas.

Look at the beginning of this season where it was a 24man mid BG ganking duo areas all day long. IMO that should be intervened in some way, probably by significant RP reduction. I don’t feel that anyone should need handholding to the point of having dedicated duel areas, but at the opposite end of that I don’t feel that people should be rewarded for 24v1 in a defined small man zone either. Even 4-5v1 is just part of the game, we’ve all been there and I’m sure it will happen again many times, but there definitely is a limit where it gets ridiculous and shouldn’t be lucrative to the offenders. What’s the point of providing 2man areas without at least some sort of reasonable guideline.
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Re: Why so resistant to make Soloing ACTUALLY viable?

It seems sort of dumb defining any area of strategic importance as a small person zone, and then penalizing larger groups for being there who have business in the area.

The ruined keeps work because there's nothing of value there. The Smalls zones do not because there's a dock and Keep. Maybe they should move all of the deserters to EV, and set scaling bonuses like:
Solo = 15% bonus 5 kills for credit
Duo = 10% bonus 5 kills for credit
5 person = 5% bonus 10 kills for credit
6+ no bonus = 10 kills for credit
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