Dragon Quest BUg
Dragon Quest BUg
I just completed the 2nd quest in the Dragon chain for Hib. I turned in the quest for the mini dragons and the npc "Chareos" will not give me the final quest in the chain to kill the big dragon. He gave me the mini dragon quest again, but the other 2 quests are not showing up. I'm lvl 50, I've tried relogging twice, and even clicking on him and nothing is working. My character's name is Wolfshadow, Hib Ranger.
Re: Dragon Quest BUg
Database shows that you completed "Slaying the Dragons: The Final Hunt" at "2024-07-31 04:52:07.412512 +00:00"
Have you tried speaking to the Dragonslayer for the weapon?
Have you tried speaking to the Dragonslayer for the weapon?