is eden still living ?

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Hafdrunk Uforia Lobsterjack
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is eden still living ?

rumor has it that a freeshard has about 2 years before it dies, I just came back after 6 months away and wondering, is eden still the best Daoc alternative or is it dying like phoenix and the rest ? or is it doing well and defying the odds ;-)

my impression when I had to disconnect from game and join the real world was that eden was strong, with good devs/support and a strong community, but is it still so ?
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Re: is eden still living ?

It's still alive. A lot of players have turned away from the larger scale BG RvR in favor of the more decentralized activities like king of the hill, deserter quests, EV island event, and general small man roaming. Be it zerg or smaller scale, there's still action to be had out there.
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Re: is eden still living ?

It's alive, but may not feel that way depending on your realm/timezone.

For European time (Daylight US):
Hib pretty much dominates the entire scene of RVR right now. Most of the time Mids and Albs dont even bother playing in significant numbers other than King of the Hill.

For US Prime Time:
Albion and Mid seem to do a lot better and field more people. As the evening drags on into Pacific prime time, the population begins to decrease dramatically.

As mentioned before, many have left RVR and only participate now in events like King of the Hill. King of the Hill actually has people who only log on to play it then log off for the day.
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