Why so resistant to make Soloing ACTUALLY viable?

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Re: Why so resistant to make Soloing ACTUALLY viable?

The game has always been rough for 1v1 players. If you want to 1v1 make an assassin or archer class that's how it always been. Expecting to run around visible and not get ganked is not reality. If you do want to do that try a skald so you can waste groups time chasing you.

FYI i play almost exclusively solo.
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Re: Why so resistant to make Soloing ACTUALLY viable?

Just make an easy mode solo class if you want to solo. There's a lot of them available now and they do just fine:

Minstrels and more

Nobody will really respect you winning solo fights on these classes, but its RPs. If you cant solo on one of these, then you're just playing the wrong game. I solo on a non-shield Blademaster just fine with the exception of occasionally running into one of the easy mode classes.

Also, at some point you have to realize solo there are some fights you just need to avoid with whatever class you are playing. I'm borderline to the point of refusing to fight friars for example because I can Triple Wield and blow a bunch of RAs to have them end the fight full health, so i'll just charge away from them until they get balanced better.
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Re: Why so resistant to make Soloing ACTUALLY viable?

I think one of the great things about DAOC is every class has a counter.

No class should win 100% of SOLO fights.
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Re: Why so resistant to make Soloing ACTUALLY viable?

Rherbert#8148 wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 5:50 pm its incredible.

All you see in this game is like FGs questing and ganking from level 4 BG to level 50. Is either that or running away like a chick.

You have like 10 deaths to 1 fair 1v1 you can get.

DAoC ever seemed to be the "highest reunion of coward players" in the whole gaming industry. All sitting behind of a FG, casting 2 skills a hundred times and vomiting "if it is red is dead" or "it is a group game" like brain deads with slow fingers. Again, there are people who CAN make their own fights. It takes skills to solo, more than most could ever imagine.

Idk, but its annoying! DEVs could make solo'ing viable and did a sh%% about it. That's so disappointing.
Go play some other game you fkn douchbag. This isnt a solo game, and then come here calling people cowards? GTFO.
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Re: Why so resistant to make Soloing ACTUALLY viable?

o-m-g what is the matter with you people? were you born in a barn and raised by a walrus or something? Everybody knows that when your 8 person group encounters a solo you MUST:

- Stop, Remove all group buffs and cancel all chants
- Take turns dueling 1v1 starting with your weakest and easiest to kill group members first
- Remember, if the solo uses RAs like IP, you have to SIT and WAIT for them to reset before the next person in your group can fight.

It's just common courtesy people. Really Git Gud manners. These solos are out here every day and night contributing to the realm by removing the empty Amazon boxes and weeds that litter our beloved Ruined Castles! Let's give them just a little love while we take castles, keeps and relics.
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Re: Why so resistant to make Soloing ACTUALLY viable?

Whenever I see this kind of post, what I picture is someone playing a melee class that has some kind of extra-powerful positional style change that allows them to dominate newbie players. You know the ones I'm talking about. The 5-8 second stun from the side or back that just makes the fight over the moment you get it off.

Now if this could be done without graphic/latency exploit, okay, fine ... skill > class balance... but it cannot. These duels are absurd to watch. Each person walking thru/strafing around trying to both land a positional style that was made to be used in a group.

The original developers have said that this was not their intent for the game design ... for players to abuse input lag, framerate latency, and the lack of collision of graphics. I am glad that you find some sort of sense of accomplishment in your lag-dance being a little better than the next guys - but this is not an accomplishment of skill and ability, it is an exploitation of old coding.

If I have this all wrong, then I apologize for missing the mark. Generally, those squawking about solo play are always melee lag-dancers and they can take their ball and go home any time they want to and no one will miss them.
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Re: Why so resistant to make Soloing ACTUALLY viable?

unbreakable0011 wrote: Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:06 pm Whenever I see this kind of post, what I picture is someone playing a melee class that has some kind of extra-powerful positional style change that allows them to dominate newbie players. You know the ones I'm talking about. The 5-8 second stun from the side or back that just makes the fight over the moment you get it off.

Now if this could be done without graphic/latency exploit, okay, fine ... skill > class balance... but it cannot. These duels are absurd to watch. Each person walking thru/strafing around trying to both land a positional style that was made to be used in a group.

The original developers have said that this was not their intent for the game design ... for players to abuse input lag, framerate latency, and the lack of collision of graphics. I am glad that you find some sort of sense of accomplishment in your lag-dance being a little better than the next guys - but this is not an accomplishment of skill and ability, it is an exploitation of old coding.

If I have this all wrong, then I apologize for missing the mark. Generally, those squawking about solo play are always melee lag-dancers and they can take their ball and go home any time they want to and no one will miss them.
I agree with you. I like AHK and it's many uses in game, but it's more robot than skill pulling off these moves.
The problem is a long time ago they increased angle that the positional styles work, which caused most of this problem. I think they should revert back to the old arcs, especially for side styles. Right now, I have no problem side styling from the front or back when charging or chasing down opponents. A side style should be a side style, not a use anytime.
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Re: Why so resistant to make Soloing ACTUALLY viable?

unbreakable0011 wrote: Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:06 pm Whenever I see this kind of post, what I picture is someone playing a melee class that has some kind of extra-powerful positional style change that allows them to dominate newbie players. You know the ones I'm talking about. The 5-8 second stun from the side or back that just makes the fight over the moment you get it off.

Now if this could be done without graphic/latency exploit, okay, fine ... skill > class balance... but it cannot. These duels are absurd to watch. Each person walking thru/strafing around trying to both land a positional style that was made to be used in a group.

The original developers have said that this was not their intent for the game design ... for players to abuse input lag, framerate latency, and the lack of collision of graphics. I am glad that you find some sort of sense of accomplishment in your lag-dance being a little better than the next guys - but this is not an accomplishment of skill and ability, it is an exploitation of old coding.

If I have this all wrong, then I apologize for missing the mark. Generally, those squawking about solo play are always melee lag-dancers and they can take their ball and go home any time they want to and no one will miss them.
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Re: Why so resistant to make Soloing ACTUALLY viable?

You can actually sort of see why Live made some of the idiotic changes they did to the solo world.

The server has sort of degenerated a bit now to where we are starting to see duos running around box zones for hours because they can't compete at deserters. Deserters are a mess now too.

It would probably be worthwhile to add a -75% RP reduction for kills with groupsize > 1 in the ruined keep zones when, and only when, the fight starts in the zone. Its sad, but there's been an uptick in garbage tier players abusing the system lately. It's one thing to pass through these zones and incidentally kill people in the way, but camping out for hours when you can't even do the quests is an entirely different thing

Barring that, there should definitely be some way to publicly shame these players within their own realm so that their realm mates know to avoid the stench.
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Re: Why so resistant to make Soloing ACTUALLY viable?

This has been a discussion since time immemorial.

There are several different playstyles for the solo player.

1) I'm going to kill the enemy regardless of THEIR mindset. IE the rando that the BG left behind because they lost speed, etc.
  • They are not in RvR zones to solo with you. These types will roll over your fair fight if they are with the group. You chose a high-traffic area to camp and complain when you get steamrolled. (for the most part.)
2) I'm going to kill enemies with like-minded playstyle.
  • You're going to see respect for the most part. Enemies who do not share your playstyle will kill you if they happen upon your fight.
3) You're in a prearranged area with other like-minded players.
  • You're not out to hunt. You're out to duel others without the formality of dueling (beckon/bow).
    Getting run over by the BG pisses you off to an extent because the BG represents everything you hate about the game. (The way I perceive it. Tell me if I'm wrong)
Those who represented number 3 handled it on Live with IRC channels. They didn't arrange duels but found the dead space in RvR for that night and went there to play hide and seek with swords.

I prefer hunting/stalking players who are separated or trying to get from one place to another because the port is cut. Getting run over is expected and I don't mind it.

The only way to handle solo zones is to lock the fight once it starts. This causes an issue though if you're locking Emain or any other large zone down for this purpose. Is a KOTH-like setting the way to go? Once inside the out-of-bounds lines, you cannot take damage from an add if you're already fighting another person.
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