Kobold Undercity Necromancer Pet

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Kobold Undercity Necromancer Pet

Short feedback for Kobold Undercity: i tried it with Necromancer and unfortunately its unplayable atm. The pet dies every 30 seconds, even when it stands still it clips through the ground or just dies. i tried every command (stay, follow, here) and it still bugs out. It even moves when it get the stay command, what never happened before. And there are some serious problems with line of sight for the pet aswell. its a damn pitty, because Kobold Undercity looks amazing and the devs did a great job. I hope they can Fix the Dungeon for the Pet.
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Re: Kobold Undercity Necromancer Pet

petfear on every boss. what to fix?
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Re: Kobold Undercity Necromancer Pet

The Pet dies out of combat, it just clips through the ground and dies.
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