Questions about KOTH

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Questions about KOTH

I just wanted to make sure I have an idea of how it works...Basically you form groups, usually meet in Catterick prior to the start of the event, buff up and such there. Then when the even starts you use the npc in Catterick to port you and your group to the event site....once there you move into the designated area and it is a free for all....only you are your group mates aren't red. The goal being to take over the center flag and hold it while everyone else is making their way towards the center...does that pretty much sum it up? Is there anything else I need to know about it before giving it a go? Thank you.
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Re: Questions about KOTH

That's the gist of it. I will add a couple of points:
- The capture point rotates every few minutes. Only the team holding at the end "wins". TBH, KOTH is such a cluster**** even if you run into the flag just by accident, rarely is it worth taking unless at the end :)
- To that point, strategy and group composition are key. Depending on your composition your team may fight better in open fields or in the maze, etc.
- When joining KOTH groups, the expectation generally is you join a discord group. Players will make their own channels in the Eden discord. At a minimum, you're expected to join to listen to communications, as everything happens too fast to type.
- KOTH is... harsh. You will die. A lot. Your spawns will suck - there aren't many spawn points so you may get dumped onto another group or two. You'll get 3rd teamed, 4th teamed, 5th teamed. Take it on the chin and enjoy yourself. It's hard to walk out with less than 7-10k about no matter what you do.
- There are a lot of pick-up groups, but you can't blame people for preferring familiar faces. Most everyone is kind, but if you're not getting an invite, feel free to start a group. Seems like you have a good understanding of basic mechanics. Ask for help when needed and I'm sure someone will assist.

Welcome, see you out there :)
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Re: Questions about KOTH

Proto wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 4:20 am - The capture point rotates every few minutes. Only the team holding at the end "wins". TBH, KOTH is such a cluster**** even if you run into the flag just by accident, rarely is it worth taking unless at the end :)
This is incorrect. The winning group is the group that held the flag the longest, not who is holding it at the very end.

To the original poster: Most groups ignore the flag and just focus on fighting.
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