X-realm preset phrases

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Pollo Jack
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X-realm preset phrases

With /recorder appearing you can now add insults to injury.

Like, actually have your fellow talk every keystroke. Imagine that kobo warrior pressing their slam key and both the enemy and friendlies hear him say, "Get SLAMMED %t!" Though, people will get very abusive if allowed to say whatever they want x-realm. Everyone's had a sore loser create a char to x-realm insults at them.

People typically get pissy with /emotes. Like, people get buttmad at /salute and /kiss as much as /rude or sitting.

Pre-set phrases lets you control the intensity of x-realm banter. Like you might pick up the subtle difference in "Die %t you SCUM!" and "Mcfucking kill yourself %t." Just put a 3-5 minute timer so it doesn't get annoying.
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Re: X-realm preset phrases

Seems like a great way to waste dev resources to make the game even more toxic
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