Realms imbalance

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Re: Realms imbalance

The rp of top player can be close to each other. That tells nothing about realm balance. Just the player who played the most and found their way through. 90% of the other player decide about balance or imbalance.... and thats not a personal feeling. If i log hib run with zerg, there are 150 + number at prime, i logg at alb 100-130 same time and than mids and just 50-80 the same time.. in conclusion with that massive mage class advantage ... doac found always playstyle for everyone.. solo, duo, small, 8vs8 and zerg.. not all the time but almost.. now u cant solo, cant duo, cant zerg without being frustrated, and yes not every time but almost.. and the pve implemented part in fz is fine from time to time but no real rvr... and now there come sthe player who tells me to play than 8vs8 but thats daoc was always a game where i could play what i like to play and not what i have to.. in a mage favorized game is a melee based realm less atractive.. give mid the warlock and maybe we get some more player and more balance in rvr
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Re: Realms imbalance

There does seem to be an imbalance and I believe it was caused by the realm event. When season two started; all realms seemed to have pretty balanced numbers (PVP speaking). However; since the realm invasion it feels like the mid population has fell dramatically. Don't get me wrong; I have nothing against the realm event or the realm invasion in concept. I'm currently in Mid and plan to stick it out as I like the character I'm playing. However; the RVR seen has been brutal since that event. My opinion on what should or could have been done differently is to realm lock players once the event starts until the realm invasion is over. I'd be willing to bet if the DEVs shared the numbers; we would see a lot of new characters being created in ALB/HIB during/post realm event. Everyone is going to have their opinion and that's fine. On the bright side; this has dropped my addiction level to the game down a little and it's freeing up more time for me to do other things outside of playing DAOC.
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Re: Realms imbalance

same i even went back to playing some legue today and i havent touched that game in months
something needs to be done like i suggested befor

* boost cl xp and maybe even the hp frin 1000 to 1500
* lower cooldown of purge so we dont have to waste so many points into it
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Re: Realms imbalance

I don't understand why mids complain about having a disadvantage in population.
I just took that screenie a few minutes ago..
I can't see "Mids quitting the game" by any means. That agrument seems really made up.

Also the old "baseline stun" discussion is so tiring. Any realm has some counters and other/special things. (inst aoe stun, boltrange aoe mezz for example). I don't want to go deeper in that discussion about what classes are OP.

Measuring "balance" by the top echelon makes no sence. 95% of the playerbase won't even come close to that level.
So making up an argument about balance based of the top tier players is a waste of time tbh.

Complaining about cl xp also seems not relevant. I experienced in mid !far! less PvE raids (CL5 and the repeatable SI Dungeon Quest that gives another cl scroll each time). If mid would organize more such raids there wouldn't be any problem to get a toon to cl10.

I have played on mid and hib for quite some time and there are clear differences in leadership from my point of view / in my experience.
In mid I only can describe it as "toxic".
e.g. entire guilds are threatened by a single person (don't want to call names here) to be thrown out of "his" alliance if they take part in a TG raid instead of participating in RvR. That was the point when I turned my back on mid. No wonder why mid struggles (more often than the other realms) to pull out huge numbers if the leadership is so toxic and has a narcissistic personality.

On hib it's the opposite. There are almost daily PvE raids of any kind and after the ppl finished templating their toons they join RvR (also daily coordinated BG).

Doing the stuff with RvR-RP Bonus would clearly counter the loyality system and encourage realm hopping. So that would be a huge mistake because this would create a dramatic disadvantage and imbalance for any realm with no such bonus.
Instead focusing on a better leadership (PvE and RvR) could counter that problem better.

Giving Mid the WL to increase the population is hilarious. Mid already has the most ppl on eden. (see screenie evidence above)
The population isn't the problem. It's the efficient coordination and motivation of all those ppl.

And last but not least. 1v1 or 8v8 also is not really relevant to that discussion. DAoC was created and still is designed as a large scale PvP (RvR) game and not like counter strike as a group vs. group game...
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Re: Realms imbalance

xisted wrote: Sat Jan 20, 2024 11:16 pm everyone say hibs are OP
You complain about "muh baseline stun" and yet ignore the fact that BOTH mids and albs have access to casted stuns. Mids have AE stun, and insta AE stun FFS. Albs have boltrange mez, and a minstrel that can cast single target stuns and mezz on the move, WITH a freaking pet, not to mention theurgist pets cast at bolt range with stuns of their own.

The Pilz BG may own euro prime time, but Hib gets their #%^@ pushed in during NA evenings, so how about you stfu with your whinging and either play the game or quit already.
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Re: Realms imbalance

Yes other realms have access to many forms of stun but not on a high dps caster. When was the last time you saw a pac healer stun and kill anything. Bolt range mez and other non stun spells does not spell instant death if purge is not up. Hibs need to be the third most numerous realm as with equal numbers there class's are generally better so they will prevail. Hib classes utility seems to be on classes more suitable, for example Bladeturn chant is on a warden which every group runs and also wears decent armour whereas alb and mid are on squishy cloth casters that not an auto pick in a group. Plus throw TWF also being on a warden. At least mid get access to a dex based race for its bolt class like hib does but wizzies cannot be saracens or inconnu. Hib just has too many small incremental advantages that soon adds up.
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Re: Realms imbalance

Failing to make a macro that goes something like /macro assist /assist stuncastername isn't a realm balance issue.

Pac healer stun nuking is a silly comparison. Pac healers can't stun nuke people, but they can AE stun for TWF and massive AOE's for other classes. They can also single stun and casters can assist. let's not forget the two insta stuns too.

Clerics can be assisted too for stun nuking, and so can even minstrels.

The effects of assisting the stunner are > doing the stunning yourself too because the nukers get a head start on nuking.

T e a m w o r k

Casted stuns in all realms last maybe a second with det 7 anyway. Get high purge if you cant get Det. Both of these skills are extremely useful in non stun caster situations anyway. If you're running around with all your RA's in Wild Power and MOM, and leaving purge at 0, 1 or 2, then you are getting what you paid for with regards to stun resistance.

Wardens feel like neutrons in the group most the time. That PBT is doing nothing against all the caster trains out there, and it does only slightly more than nothing when you have a tank train assisting on somebody. Their resists are nice. Their heals are nice. I wish they would run Speed more often than PBT though. Nothing worse than slogging along behind the fight with a clunky healer who thinks PBT is helping the back lines, while the fight moves on without you.
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Re: Realms imbalance

shieldladaoc wrote: Mon Jan 29, 2024 5:17 am Failing to make a macro that goes something like /macro assist /assist stuncastername isn't a realm balance issue.

Pac healer stun nuking is a silly comparison. Pac healers can't stun nuke people, but they can AE stun for TWF and massive AOE's for other classes. They can also single stun and casters can assist. let's not forget the two insta stuns too.

Clerics can be assisted too for stun nuking, and so can even minstrels.

The effects of assisting the stunner are > doing the stunning yourself too because the nukers get a head start on nuking.

T e a m w o r k

Casted stuns in all realms last maybe a second with det 7 anyway. Get high purge if you cant get Det. Both of these skills are extremely useful in non stun caster situations anyway. If you're running around with all your RA's in Wild Power and MOM, and leaving purge at 0, 1 or 2, then you are getting what you paid for with regards to stun resistance.

Wardens feel like neutrons in the group most the time. That PBT is doing nothing against all the caster trains out there, and it does only slightly more than nothing when you have a tank train assisting on somebody. Their resists are nice. Their heals are nice. I wish they would run Speed more often than PBT though. Nothing worse than slogging along behind the fight with a clunky healer who thinks PBT is helping the back lines, while the fight moves on without you.
In big zerg battles, assisting a stuncaster is meaningless, because mez will be broken instaly, so you rely solely on both having los with stuncaster, and on pretty much spamming assist.
In zerg battles, healers are more occupied with healing.

The magic damage is so high here, that being caught out as a caster, and often as support, you'll die after being stunned, to the same caster that stunned you. No other damage is needed.

Is kinda baffling people can't see a realm balance issue, with one realm not having to assist to kill casters in keep fights.

And if we go down the "assist" rabbit hole, then mids needs 3 assisting, one to stun, one to debuff, and one to do the big damage.
Hibs needs 2 casters to kill anything caught out without high det or purge up.

In any other scenario, I don't care. But hibs had the advantage in keep fights since animists were introduced, and kept it the rest of the game.

But like someone wrote, and that is def true. Mids do have toxic BG leaders, and while I've never played with Pilz, I've heard he's a really really nice guy. And that factors massively in when looking at numbers, and talking balance.
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Re: Realms imbalance

It's a paper rock scissors balance that is fine. It's not breaking RVR and its evident as Hib did not dominate the recent event as you would be lead to believe from all the stun caster complaining. Hib doesn't just roll over everything in the game and usually primetime USA we have very few keeps left (which we are soo good at defending with stun cast right?)

The stun is the primary base cc of most hib casters and it's completely useless against a good portion of the population. A lot of time I prefer they DONT stun defensively in groups, because then we cant slam people for a real stun while waiting for some real cc like a root or mez.

Stun casters also aren't doing anything if you keep them interrupted spamming things like bolt range aoe mez but ARRPEES and personal DEE-PEE-ESS seem to be more important than team work to most people so keep those mind sorc's lifetapping instead of interrupting (please).

And really, how often do you see battles that actually come down to the last couple people in each BG? I almost never see this. Battles are almost always a one sided win for whoever brings the bigger zerg, so complaining about stun nuking in situations you were going to lose anyway is silly

To reiterate a point from earlier:

If you don't invest in ways of dealing with stun, then you have to deal with it. This is true in melee also, and it impacts every character in the game on every realm.

We could flip this around a little bit because I didn't really invest in dealing much with CC/stun on my Blademaster, so guess what? If my charge isn't up there's 0 chance I can kill a caster. If they out live charge and get a good CC off, then I lose. Can i really complain about CC and losing to casters, since I didn't put any effort in countering it?

One other thing too is it does seem like specifically Midgard has some "issues" going on making it the weak realm
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Re: Realms imbalance

Druth wrote: Mon Jan 29, 2024 7:04 am The magic damage is so high here, that being caught out as a caster, and often as support, you'll die after being stunned, to the same caster that stunned you. No other damage is needed.
Same delve, same casttime, same dex for buffs / items and same spells as on live.
Also same hitpoints, same resis, same heals.
In fact the castdmg on live is higher than on eden.... 550 up to +600dd mauler-nukes and Artis/ML that boost other casterdmg.
Imagine you get killed by a single nuke without getting even stunned.

Just have a good healer in grp... oh yeah HIB and ALB have the heal- and bufftree on a single class.
So your mid aug-healers can concentrate more on healing (spec around 39-42 heal rest aug iirc).

You'll rarely see any cleric or druid with that much in healing because they have to spend points into the buffline.
--> No spreadheal 2, lower major/greater heal, slower cure NS and so on.
Also sharing buffs is more rare by Alb/Hib because Druids/Clerics need to heal while the shaman can wreak havoc with disease and shears and throw a hot on the run.
Druth wrote: Mon Jan 29, 2024 7:04 am In zerg battles, healers are more occupied with healing.
Therefore mid has Aughealers (Mainheal) and Pachealers (CC/Supportheal).
Aug is healing and demezzing -> oh yeah, druid and cleric don't get baseline demezz (not even spec demezz) btw.
Not to forget the 1500 radius celerity. Warden/Paladin have laughable 350 radius chants. That helps agains doors on green towers or in the room with the keeplord. For almost any other situation the celerity is just a joke and waste.

Does anyone think Healer is superior compared to Cleric/Druid? Ppl are used to it.
I never saw anyone complaining that healers should be nerfed.

Complaining about classes doesn't solve the leadership issue in mid.
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