Realms imbalance

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Re: Realms imbalance

I think healers are stupidly OP on Live, but balanced well here because they don't get the extra stuff from sojourner which makes them survive better than most tanks. The same goes for bards too. On live they are a stupidly powerful cc/healer class which is better balanced here because of no roots/sojourner.

My favorite aspect of realm balance that is balanced across all 3 realms though is no speed warps anywhere.
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Re: Realms imbalance

I understand the frustration about everything, im sure if we were to give druid the ability to cast stun, people would say but druid as better thing to do than actually stun , so his any healer class, cleric has the spell to stun but need to keep everyone alive, shear buff and survive, a healer even pacification has to heal, unmezz people and survive, when a mage class has only one job dps and survive, where stun on caster can be an issue.

In a mind to think balance and not changing too much our beloved game.

We keep the stun in the base line for pure caster, such as eldricht, wizard and runemaster, and remplace it by a root for mentalist and enchanter. I dont think it would change so much the fight, maybe the feeling of impunity one side and giving something to otherside. And im sure it would prove that people play on hibernia for the love of the lore, environment and not for that supposed easyness.

I just hope we dont see people stop playing enchanter or mentalist and all reroll eldricht ....

The beauty of daoc is to be all different, then we should imagine , that all the caster baseline should be different albion and midgard since both have root, either change midgard and albion mage to have a different cc ability than root. Or that why we could imagine hibernia have it as well.
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Re: Realms imbalance

Not sure what the solution is, because DaoC is delicate with balance.

In open field, baseline root is so much better than baseline stun.

Just not "fun and interactive" when sieging vs. hibs, unless you happen to have Purge 9 with 1 min reuse timer (sarcasm).
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Re: Realms imbalance

A few solutions:

1) 50% bonus RP/XP/CLXP's for playing on underpopulated realms, create incentive to get people to play these realms.

2) Realm pop hard cap. Don't let players roll/login to a realm after a certain amount of slots have been filled. Force players into mid/albion on character creation. When rolling on the server it shouldn't be 3000 players, 2000 roll hib, 1000 left between mid/alb.

Have a floor minimum based off player data and the average amount that are playing, and past the floor minimum you then based off when a realm hits that number funnel people into other realms, and create a login que for those who want to play the overfilled realm no matter what.
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Re: Realms imbalance

galandoratreides wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 8:59 pm A few solutions:

1) 50% bonus RP/XP/CLXP's for playing on underpopulated realms, create incentive to get people to play these realms.

2) Realm pop hard cap. Don't let players roll/login to a realm after a certain amount of slots have been filled. Force players into mid/albion on character creation. When rolling on the server it shouldn't be 3000 players, 2000 roll hib, 1000 left between mid/alb.

Have a floor minimum based off player data and the average amount that are playing, and past the floor minimum you then based off when a realm hits that number funnel people into other realms, and create a login que for those who want to play the overfilled realm no matter what.
1. Mids are here complaining about imbalance. But it's already the most populated realm. A bonus to the underpopulated realms alb and hib would increase the complaints even more :D

2. Forcing players into something will make them quit and go to differend freeshards. Despite that fact... we are not in china, russia or north korea.

Or I misunderstood this comment and it's a cynical joke.
The Problem is not the population. If you would have taken a single look into the statistics you should know that.
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Re: Realms imbalance

93161541 wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 4:38 pm
galandoratreides wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 8:59 pm A few solutions:

1) 50% bonus RP/XP/CLXP's for playing on underpopulated realms, create incentive to get people to play these realms.

2) Realm pop hard cap. Don't let players roll/login to a realm after a certain amount of slots have been filled. Force players into mid/albion on character creation. When rolling on the server it shouldn't be 3000 players, 2000 roll hib, 1000 left between mid/alb.

Have a floor minimum based off player data and the average amount that are playing, and past the floor minimum you then based off when a realm hits that number funnel people into other realms, and create a login que for those who want to play the overfilled realm no matter what.
1. Mids are here complaining about imbalance. But it's already the most populated realm. A bonus to the underpopulated realms alb and hib would increase the complaints even more :D

2. Forcing players into something will make them quit and go to differend freeshards. Despite that fact... we are not in china, russia or north korea.

Or I misunderstood this comment and it's a cynical joke.
The Problem is not the population. If you would have taken a single look into the statistics you should know that.

I said put in a login que to keep populations in check, ex; if there are 2000 players, and 800 are on hib and 600 on mid/alb, the login que would start on hib at 667 players and they wouldn't be able to login until someone else logged out. It keeps the playing field level. You know what else makes people quit? Wild population imbalances.
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Re: Realms imbalance

You are funny.
Still haven't checked the stats on the server? It's no a problem of population because the pop is more or less balanced give or take a few percent.

*edit*: There are no "Wild population imbalances." as you claim.
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Re: Realms imbalance

galandoratreides wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 4:57 pm ....wouldn't be able to login until someone else logged out.
That's when I'd toss a server right in the garbage where it would belong. I have zero desire to roll a mid or alb, and it's primarily due to the rude and selfish players I've encounterd on those realms when I did. Population balances always swing eventually, and they usually change throughout the day and night.
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Re: Realms imbalance

Spoken like someone who doesn't have to deal with the problem :rofl:

Also for someone saying there's no population imbalance :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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Re: Realms imbalance

I still remember when warlocks came out, Mid players could not see they were broken.
They ranked top rp earners, but that was due to how "different they were to play, so attracted more skilled people".

I as a mid saw it, how one warlock could kill whole groups, and tried to reason. But to many mids were either purposly ignoring blatant facts, or just incapable of seeing their own bias.

I wish daoc players were better at being open to their own class/realm being problematic, and discuss, than the constant:
- Skill issue
- My realm is more motivated :roll:
- It's always been like that
etc etc...

People are not attacking YOU when they say something might be imbalanced, they often actually care about the game/server, and fear population decline.

I'm not a fan of login barriers, or other things that force behavior, but I am a fan of being open to different perspectives.
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