Realms imbalance

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Re: Realms imbalance

Greenangel wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2024 6:57 pm
9avbbbu wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 11:19 pm
perseus7777 wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 11:01 pm I play from 8am ish Central time to midnight every day. From 8am to 4pm ish it's 100% dominated by Hibs. To the point we gave up on recapping anything so they will not have anything to do (in alb anyway) and hopefully get bored and reroll a under pop realm. Since when did you see all 3 realms red at once. I have not since playing here but it's a regular occurrence these days for hib to turn all 3 green. You dont accomplish that with underpop.

I agree, it's not much fun constantly getting rolled by superior numbers :( I just rolled a stealther and stopped playing visi's unless KOTH.
alb here.. lord help you if you dont have a regular KOTH team or not ready to discord every match. i havent gotten to rvr or quest in NF once since this boycott thing began 3 days ago. it's like the whole game is KOTH now. i just wish people would acknowledge that to some degree it is hurting some Albion players as well. there is literally nothing to do now if you don't have regular RVR buds and relied on PUGs in the past, and you can't go do castle supplies or deserters or writs because every gate and dock and quest mob is camped by mid or hib. i've been stuck in Catt for days. not all of us have deep roots that go back to Phoenix and a whole team of DAOC friends. not all of us are social butterflies. i like grouping just as much as the next guy, but having zero solo options just sucks for me. it may be my fault i can't get a group, but it's not my fault Albion's frontier is so messed up either, and yet i also have to pay for it while the typical all-stars stack RPs sky high duking it out in EV without care and /broadcasting how fun it is. squidward looking out of his window dot jpeg.

I dont know there has been Albion Bg in Ev haveing lots fun fights vs mids and hibs where hibs cant abuse defending keeps with mushrooms quick cast stun nucks from walls and banishess nucking you through walls.
Keeps and relics are pointless in the game and hibneria BG leader tactics taken all keeps early morning EU time when no one online is boreing people. You come on Eu primetime to reatake and same HIb leader chases the the fires and hits you in rear or the side with bg twice your size. Or they just sit camping the keep. Now fighting hibs open field in EV has been a blast it takes all the inbalnace and advantages of hibernia away and gives the other realms more fun fights even if there still outnumberd by hibneria. Its there own fault if people choose go koth or fght in EV this is a creation of Hibernia leader and the realm inbalance of clases. People won't like me posting the truth but it is what it is. If you can't tell my name is from me playing Hibernia alot in the past on severel servers. And if you played the game since 2001 you should know by now the problems with game balance.
you missed the point of my post. i recognize it's fun for you and people who are able to do this. not everyone is though, and it really sucks for solo players because alb has completely lost their frontier. no questing, deserters, etc. again, i realize you are having fun in EV, just sharing another perspective that may be different than yours.
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Re: Realms imbalance

Greenangel wrote: Sat Jan 20, 2024 12:21 am Bainshee cone nucks killing people behind walls in towers and keeps and people are constantly bug abuseing with this class in towers keeps i dont see any bans .
Because this is not cone at all, and this is not bug abusing, as bainshee player i will give you the little secret, it's called AE cast, the same as any AE from any other caster from any other realm, the big difference is the AE bolt, since it as more range, if one of ur mate is targeted and in sight, the AE bolt will hit EVERYONE in the AE range, bottom, front, top, behind, left or right, aaaaand that is why, if i shoot someone on tope of a tower with an AE bolt, i'm able to hit everyone around him, even someone in the lord room ... tadaaaaa
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Janclode - Morbraz
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Re: Realms imbalance

je l'ai déjà signalé plusieurs fois ....
j'arrête souvent tôt car impossible de jouer ...
dans les années 2002 , Albion fut surpuissant et le modérateurs avaient réduits les classes ( speed , mezz , rout , les distances de heal , de procs ect ect )
mais je crois que les modérateurs de Eden sont des joueurs Hibs ?
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Re: Realms imbalance

We're getting really short on Hibs on US time.

Tonight Primetime Eastern we only have 23% of the pop vs albion's 43%.

The divide seems to be growing during this timezone.
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Re: Realms imbalance

shieldladaoc wrote: Sat May 25, 2024 2:32 am We're getting really short on Hibs on US time.

Tonight Primetime Eastern we only have 23% of the pop vs albion's 43%.

The divide seems to be growing during this timezone.
Its about to the point that there is difficult to justify logging in. Cant do anything solo without getting rolled by groups of stealth, and when attempting to do anything in RvR it ends up being impossible due to 4 to 1 ratio running you over from either enemy realm if not both.
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Re: Realms imbalance

m35317 wrote: Sat May 25, 2024 8:46 am
shieldladaoc wrote: Sat May 25, 2024 2:32 am We're getting really short on Hibs on US time.

Tonight Primetime Eastern we only have 23% of the pop vs albion's 43%.

The divide seems to be growing during this timezone.
Its about to the point that there is difficult to justify logging in. Cant do anything solo without getting rolled by groups of stealth, and when attempting to do anything in RvR it ends up being impossible due to 4 to 1 ratio running you over from either enemy realm if not both.
As someone who has played Mid exclusively, I feel your pain. There were times where we would try and retake towers/keeps with 40 people and then Pilz would literally chase the flames with his 120+ person BG. It's not fun for everyone, but I honestly don't know how you can fix it or what can be done. :(
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Re: Realms imbalance

yesterday almost 3/4 of the keep was hib...
all relic are owned by hibs...

when you start to nerf them? it's not fun to play like this
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Re: Realms imbalance

gatsu0727 wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 7:23 am yesterday almost 3/4 of the keep was hib...
all relic are owned by hibs...

when you start to nerf them? it's not fun to play like this
Nerf what? The ability for Pilz to log in the game? It's the only reason hibs are dominating, they log in before everybody, take all keeps and break ports, then spend the rest of the day defending.
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Re: Realms imbalance

they are more then other realm...

now mids HAVE NO KEEP...

they take everything course they outnumber the other realm.

nerf like take less rp,less xp

nerf bard,nerf enchantress...

give the other realm rp and xp bonus...

if things stay like this evening the game is going to fall
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Re: Realms imbalance

I brought up my concerns via support and was rebuffed with comments of "well form your own bg" etcetera.

Why bother setting forth in a ring if you know your going to lose?

Zerged down by hibs, 2fgs of Mid in small zone when I play.

There needs to be a rp nerf and boost to those who bother to turn up to rvr.

Well albs have x% more.

Yea, they all friars farming as why bother. Like me. I see /rw, I'll just stick to crafting and let them get on with it. Where is my incentive to go out and get lulzstomped by a 110 pvdoor bg.

It killed Phoenix, it's happening here
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