Realms imbalance

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Re: Realms imbalance

galandoratreides wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 5:48 pm Spoken like someone who doesn't have to deal with the problem :rofl:

Also for someone saying there's no population imbalance :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Some just need to be left behind.
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Re: Realms imbalance

93161541 wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 7:42 pm You are funny.
Still haven't checked the stats on the server? It's no a problem of population because the pop is more or less balanced give or take a few percent.

*edit*: There are no "Wild population imbalances." as you claim.
All I can say is perhaps the stats look balanced for all three realms, but the RVR imbalance during EU timezone is very real, it has been on every server since phoenix (Played mid on them all). I'm one of the few who still actively fights the hib zerg and its the same story on every every server, we get to this point and it's like 80 hibs to less than a group of mids defending at a certain time of day. I mean if you want proof look at Pilz BGs in the morning, don't even bother with cutting port now - there's usually less than a full group in defence, even on relic defence.

That's not a healthy state of affairs, being told nah everything is fine ignores a real issue. I know what happens next, I've been one, pretty soon people will just stop logging on, it's not fun fighting unwinnable fights week after week, so folks just go do something else that is more enjoyable.

I don't have a solution, needs more folks playing other realms when things get unbalanced, no idea how to achieve that (Maybe some AI stuff might help?), various things have been tried. Its a shame really. Part of me also thinks maybe some of the leads need to think through stuff a bit more, painting a realm green when there's nothing left to fight for might seem like fun to you but the other folks playing the game simply quit, and ultimately it's to all our detriments.
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Re: Realms imbalance

Battlefield V is on sale. It's great!
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Re: Realms imbalance

That mi personal point of View on the server!- im playing this game from 20 years...i mostly play 8/5man caster. for me we cant talk about balance of classes/game looking zerg fight, you dont know how many aoe caster ,support or mellee etc... ok now we talk about the problems. all bolts classes are broke, they hit too strong on melee too never see that in 20. big probelm for me the server is totaly focus to make easy to play the MELEE setup and give no chance to win or play caster, i will explain that. you can play mellee classes with 2 button (1 all styles 2 press W...that look realy mongo...) btw many classes have charge and all have determination + purge ... so you fight vs 2/3 charges det9 and purge 3...easy to control no?!?! OFC it so jocking is terrible hard or Impossible we can say!!!...that create an absolute dominion of melee setup chose they will just play 2 bard adn provide all rupt and cc istanlty... jusr press W and use istant you win!...same think is midgard W team many charges... too many rupst like skald and valk and Healers again all cc and rupt are istant and too many dammit!...last think BD bd pet are broken, everybody know and many abusing!!.so mi CONCLUSION total unbalance!!!1 -nerf bolts! 2- Nerf BD!! and give 3- Speed Warp to caster so we can have a fight and not get owned from peoples are pressing 2 botton!!!.....only that 3 point for fix the server! sorry about mi eng hope so yuo will read, reflect adn fix that 3 thinks! tyvm
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Re: Realms imbalance

Gryfisx wrote: Thu Feb 22, 2024 6:59 pm removed for readability
No speed warps please. These have completely ruined RVR on live and turned the entire game into a caster zerg. All tanks do on live now is kill speed warps for casters. It's really lame gameplay.

I agree the server is tank friendly. As a Det Tank, I think the cheap det is lame and it should be done away with. Your oversimplification of one button tank play is somewhat silly though, and as somebody who supposedly does 8v8 you should know better, so it's really hard to take you seriously. I mean come on... BD pets you can literally 1-2 shot on most dps classes? Bolts with 30 second recasts?

This looks like it's 50% you wanting to have your cake and eat it too. Most charge tanks would never even reach casters without charge, or be at maybe 10% health when they do. Yeah you have to deal with it for a whole 15 seconds... and there's a lot of caster specific counters to charge too. We have no problem keeping our casters alive through 3 charge tanks, and many of the groups I fight have no issues either. Why does yours?
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Re: Realms imbalance

maybe is mi big mistake and is all very balance im just bad to play caster, looking the 8 man score board is leaded from a alb group... and they play....oh right necro tanker. look like alll enjoy to play caster on the server you too!! look very balance so :)
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Re: Realms imbalance

Dam was like 150 hibs vs 40 albions tonight trying defend relic thats bit inbalanced.

instead everyone wants play koth as faster more realm points more fun then defending keeps tower or a relic while outnumberd so much. .

Relic keep i manged quick cast 1 spell before 15 blademasters rolled me over. oh well did't get quick cast stunned nucked for once i guess
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Re: Realms imbalance

I'm tired of playing every evening on Albion and facing a Hib tide.. So I'm playing less and less. Others will do differently and go play at Hibernia which will accentuate the problem. If nothing is done, at certain times there will only be one kingdom doing "rvr" against NPCs.. It's going to be fun...
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Re: Realms imbalance

I agree, for the last few weeks the players in the Albion RvR battlegroups are getting less and less. Especially between 17:00 - 01:00 CET it's really hard. Led to my two buddies not wanting to log in anymore and I'm distracting myself with PvE but it's getting really boring. Don't know how long I can keep this up. Not willing to switch realms I'd rather quit the season ... :(
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Re: Realms imbalance

I actually left Hibernia to join Albion because it was so unenjoyable.

Now I'm thinking of quitting the game period because being on either side of the roll is no fun. There's nothing you can do when the opposing BG is 4x your size, and you aren't even really rewarded for defending. It's more RPs to just let Hib cap everything, wait for them to have to sleep, and then re-cap, and the cycle starts anew. That can't be fun for anyone really, right?

I wish at least some things would be tried. Nobody is saying nerf Hibernia. But I don't see why bonus RPs, more RPs for a defense you lose, perhaps a timer on how long before a keep can be re-capped, more upkeep costs for holding so many keeps... there are many creative ways to help this problem that don't involve "QQ cry more Alb just sucks" or "QQ cry more Hib is just op". Again, I was on Hibernia first, and winning via constant unbeatable zerg wasn't fun to me so I left... but neither is losing to it either. At least on Hib I was getting RPs.
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