Need a balancement in RVR

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Need a balancement in RVR

Im opening this post for a serious discussion on balancing the number of players in RVR and on this topic I would like any answers to stay on topic.
This would be the first server that puts into practice a balancing of the players present in RVR (in my memory in normal servers, I don't know if it was put into practice in the shards because I haven't played much in the shards).

Why this balancing?
Because it is not possible to see a BG of 180 people and 2 other BGs of 40-100, so a balanced confrontation is impossible.
This leads other players to log into the realm that currently has a larger BG, and this makes the situation even worse.
The BGs in RVR are very important, because they help form groups without spending hours finding the right classes to make a party of 8 or 4 (and maybe at the first rel you have to find replacements for those who leave the group).
Certainly an 8 vs 8 battle is much more technical and requires perfect knowledge of the classes to attack first, however many players do not have much time available and it is very convenient to enter the game, join the BG and participate in the fight.
How can I balance the number of players in RVR?
The simplest solution (even at server level) is to limit the number of players in a realm to a percentage by taking into account the realm that currently has fewer players than the other 2 realms and adding a percentage between 10 and 30 percent maximum of the realm that has the fewest players.
For example if on ALB there are 100 players in RVR, the other 2 realms cannot join RVR if they have 120-130 players already in RVR (percentage to be established and test).

What can players who can't get into RVR do?
1) queue up to enter RVR
2) play in PVE zones
3) go to one of the 2 least populated realms in RVR with no realm change cooldown.
What happens if a player gets disconnected from the server or crashes while playing?
You should guarantee the server 5-8 minutes of time to keep his place in RVR, so that he can be reinvited from the same group or in other groups.

In my opinion this is the only solution to keep the server alive, otherwise we will see only one realm running in RVR taking defenseless castles ... and the players no longer logging into Daoc.
It's an important decision by the Eden staff, but in my opinion it's the only one that can save the server and make the game more attractive from the RVR side.

Hello everyone and have fun

P.S. translated with Google
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Re: Need a balancement in RVR

There is one thing i have learnt through playing the multiple free shards is that population swings, Hib was dominant a month or so ago, now Mid is running rampant, i dare say Alb will have its day too. the one thing i do know that will drive people away is stopping them from doing things they want to do, in this case your suggestion of capping players in RvR.

Something does need to be done but i'd rather see the devs try and balances classes rather than screw around with seige (which is causing more problems than its worth) As far as i'm aware they havent done a great deal of balancing, other than the odd hunter pet timer nerf and giving eld's ichor. Some classes are way over tuned... I'm looking at you Ments!
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Re: Need a balancement in RVR

Going to modify classes has always been a disaster and makes players playing that class unhappy that they spent so much of their time to reach level 50 in that class, equip it and acquire realm points.
There are other posts that talk about the classes (and I honestly don't want to mention the minstrel who is the only class that can climb walls, stay hidden, stun instant and mesmerize, as well as being able to leave with sos).
Certainly the population fluctuates from one realm to another, but it is not random, it is dictated by the largest BG present in that moment in the given realm or by the fact that there is no BG RVR in one's realm.
This balancing which I have desired for many years of playing (and which many players I have had the opportunity to speak with have found in agreement) but which has never been implemented in the various servers in which I have played, does not prevent the given player from to play his favorite class and realm (he could still queue), but it would instead be a balance that would make players happier.

And if you really don't want to wait in line to enter RVR, you can always play in PVE zones or start a new character in the realm that is in the minority at that moment in RVR and maybe make some new friends.
We are here to play and have fun, we know very well that no realm can prevail indefinitely, but we only ask for a balance of the number of players present in RVR, so that we can have balanced fights (40 vs 180 is an impossible fight) .
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Re: Need a balancement in RVR

There's no fun in queueing though, you could be there all night, you just have to look at wahammer RoR where it can take ages for a scenario to pop. Also do you allow certain classes above others to jump the queue? You might end up with a shortage of healers and for instant, would it take into account people doing deserters, small man or 8v8's into the rvr population? you will still have imbalances. I understand where your coming from but i can see if creating more problems that it would solve
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Re: Need a balancement in RVR

In my opinion you create far more unhappy players after a 40 vs 180 fight than waiting for a queue (which by the way would decrease considerably if some people log into the underpopulated realm in rvr at the time and then raise the number in the percentage).
The options then are not only to wait the queue for RVR, but you can increase the level of a character perhaps already advanced in your or another realm.
Players who want 8v8 are there in all 3 realms and cannot be excluded from the global count of people in RVR, also because they often play in the same chat as the BG even if marginally (and not always marginally).
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Re: Need a balancement in RVR

They should implemented a TRUE realm sticking mechanic from the start. not that stupid loyalty where u get craft and xp bonus when is just 75+ days that u play.

Select a realm, stick to that realm. Wanna change realm? You should have consequences, delete everything and restart.

This population switching dynamics are here just cause people follow the path of least resistance. BEING involved in selecting a realm and sticking to it will make people value more their time and contribute more in RvR

every freeshard with "free" realm switching mechanics followed the same path. who took a bit longer who took a bit less, but every shard allowing realm hopping is a copypaste generator of this unbalancing

best regards

a player who only played midgard since 2001
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Re: Need a balancement in RVR

In my opinion, the kingdom attachment bonus should be eliminated completely, as well as the timer for switching to another kingdom, because the problem here and in all past Daoc servers is to have a balanced match in RVR in terms of number of players (except 10-30% difference percentage, but not double or quadruple compared to enemies).
I played mainly on Hib, but I also tried many other classes in the other two realms in RVR (and I really miss the Vampire class that isn't here and which I consider the most fun of the 3 realms as a style of play that fits well suitable to be played solo, in a group of 8 or in BG).
I would have no problem switching to another realm if there is no room in my preferred one, the important thing is to have balanced battles between BGs
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Fin / Valar
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Re: Need a balancement in RVR

I wonder why these kind of posts did not come out when the overpopulated realm was Hib :lol:

Now that so many hibs have switched to Mid there is an issue with balancing population.

Anyway, the siege "effort" was not a good one, a lot of job done to something that was totally unnecessary, or at least way less necessary than some serious class balance, and we still see that huge gap in RPs between Hibs and everything else. And with the population declining we will never see that gap getting closed by others, this should have been addressed months ago but nothing has been done (ah yes, they gave Ichor to Eldritch :lol: )
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Re: Need a balancement in RVR

Fin / Valar wrote: Wed Mar 01, 2023 11:54 am I wonder why these kind of posts did not come out when the overpopulated realm was Hib :lol:

Now that so many hibs have switched to Mid there is an issue with balancing population.
After a year of play in 2001 I wondered why the number of players present in RVR was not balanced, it is not a problem that arises only now that mid can bring 200 players to BG.
Unfortunately in 21 years this problem has never been addressed by the various servers I have played on.
My request to the staff is to try to address this issue by limiting the number of people in RVR based on which realm currently has the lowest number of players in RVR + a percentage to be determined (10-30%).
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Re: Need a balancement in RVR

Gabryx wrote: Wed Mar 01, 2023 12:08 pm
Fin / Valar wrote: Wed Mar 01, 2023 11:54 am I wonder why these kind of posts did not come out when the overpopulated realm was Hib :lol:

Now that so many hibs have switched to Mid there is an issue with balancing population.
After a year of play in 2001 I wondered why the number of players present in RVR was not balanced, it is not a problem that arises only now that mid can bring 200 players to BG.
Unfortunately in 21 years this problem has never been addressed by the various servers I have played on.
My request to the staff is to try to address this issue by limiting the number of people in RVR based on which realm currently has the lowest number of players in RVR + a percentage to be determined (10-30%).
queueing and preventing people to play (in a game that relies on time spent and progress) is dumb as fuck and I don't feel the need to explain why

i have 3 templated midgard characters, and only those. my friends are on midgard. if i will ever get a queue or a message telling me i cannot play midgard cause "there is too much people, please play another realm!" or "there is too much people in rvr! go play pve!" I will simply not play at all and go elsewhere

and probably not bother trying ever more
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