Hobbnobber - Black Wings (Queelag has brought disfavor upon Albion!)

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Hobbnobber - Black Wings (Queelag has brought disfavor upon Albion!)


A tale of two, Hobbnobber and Queelag,
Their paths crossed, their fates to bag,
One known for bravery, the other for wit,
Their stories intertwined, let's see how it fits.

Queelag, the witch, with a vile and putrid staff,
Found a pair of black wings, too good to pass,
She flew with pride, high above the ground,
But the gods took notice, and they made a sound.

For they saw her pride, and her lack of grace,
And they knew the wings were meant for another's place,
So they took them back, and gave them to one,
A wizard with fire, and a job well done.

Hobbnobber stood tall, with a black beard so grand,
He killed hundreds of lurikeens and kobolds with his hand,
And the gods rewarded him, with the wings so black,
For his bravery and power, a permanent comeback.

So two tales of power, one with a happy end,
Hobbnobber's story, with a victory to bend,
And Queelag's tale, a lesson to be taught,
The importance of deserving what we've sought.
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Re: Hobbnobber - Black Wings (Queelag has brought disfavor upon Albion!)

A Wizard cautionary tale was just told,
regarding a Chaos Witch to behold,
fallen she may, laid to rest
quitely whispering do not fret,

Wingless the Queen now is,
but her legacy continues with ease,
Her adventures will always remain alive,
watch the video if them you want to revive!

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