[GM]Nerf hib or this server will die

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[GM]Nerf hib or this server will die

Excuse my english im french,

Hello GMs,

I playing since the start of this server and it is very good on many points.

But one thing is destroying it, the balance, in particular hibs.

Hibs have too much advantage that make then very difficult to fight : stun mago, menta...

I listen more and more people bored with the particulartity of the hibs.

You have already do balances and i we can do it again.

I hope you heard me to make this server being great.

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Re: [GM]Nerf hib or this server will die

Nerf everyone but me!
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Re: [GM]Nerf hib or this server will die

is that why hib is always under attack in the frontiers? they are OP? every day hib frontier is blue or red. relics get taken left and right... no wonder they are op ... they cant keep anything!
Tree L Nine - Axe to Mouth - Molvik County Sheriffs Dept
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Re: [GM]Nerf hib or this server will die

Meelk wrote: Fri Feb 03, 2023 10:17 am Excuse my english im french,

Hello GMs,

I playing since the start of this server and it is very good on many points.

But one thing is destroying it, the balance, in particular hibs.

Hibs have too much advantage that make then very difficult to fight : stun mago, menta...

I listen more and more people bored with the particulartity of the hibs.

You have already do balances and i we can do it again.

I hope you heard me to make this server being great.

i don t know on wich other realms you play, but i play hib and on mid they have skald and bd that are way to good, same story on albs, minstrel and necro are insanely tought... over logic. I can agree if they make little nerf on bd necro and whatever overpowered class you think there is on hib. i have also a mentalist, and i don t see this where is too powerful. to get highest dd, loose ns and get a pity pet (nothing compared to other realms....)
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Re: [GM]Nerf hib or this server will die

It the same from the start... hibernia is overpowered.. but you have classes on alb (mini/necro..) cheated too.. it will never change...
Last edited by cell_maley on Tue Feb 14, 2023 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [GM]Nerf hib or this server will die

if anything needs nerf is the damn pets.
i dont remember theurg pets being able to use 2-3 ice pets on people and kill them with no further action by the theurg
I dont remember ruby cabby pet nuking people to death with zero help from the cabby ( i assume chanter pet is similar?)
I dont remember a bone commander and 3 guardian pets almost 1 rounding someone of equal lvl to the BD
I do remember caster bd pets being annoying but omfg are the caster pets op in Eden. chain casting disease on 3 people at the same time. srsly wtf.
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Re: [GM]Nerf hib or this server will die

Against any form of nerf (im alb and hib always been easy mode no change) but up few alb class could help ^^
charge on reaver to not be only a twf bot ? give utility to necro in rvr ? (shade should be cast few spells) stop nerfing our only good pet class (theur) now ridiculous in rvr when its cast pet try to mele anybody near...

We are bad open field (true, aoe amnesia not help ^^) so defend more keep (now we have all the tools to do) and tell to tanks they have access to GTAOE with CL5, need only 5 GTAOE in keep and nobody can use RAM (especially if we target heal ^^)

/groundassist command miss us for good defense...
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Re: [GM]Nerf hib or this server will die

Oh no, it’s totally balanced! -sarcasm intended-

You call giving Eld’s Ichor;

Mentalists an rr5 blind with aoe on a 5 minute timer AND piggy purge;

baseline roots to an Enchanter;

taking away baseline roots from a Bard, THEN giving it right back in a specline on top of insta 5 & 10 second amnesias balanced enough to warrant underpopulation RP bonuses?

And Necro’s being able to put away multiple melee’s in one sitting

Reaver gets their anytime Levi back with slightly less damage? Kiss my ass.

Friar’s hitting way too hard

Theurg’s.. nuff said

And now on top of that smart ass remarks from people claiming it’s “nerf everyone but me,” crap? Put a sock in it.

Class changes were 11 hib, 8 alb, and 5 mid.

The mid changes, 2 of which are archer and assassin universal, so only 3 changes to balance, are hardly changes worthwhile at all!

Warrior RR5 doesn’t have a shield req? Woopty fuck.

Thane hammer spec damage table increased to be in line with other hybrids melee classes?? That should’ve been done already, so doesn’t constitute balance.

And Skalds get Det..? What the hell?

Don’t try to tell me that isn’t one sided or biased at all. And it just proves that if you whine and cry hard enough, you’ll get what you want.

Take away all the meta shit from minstrels and mentalists, and yes fix the pets too. If you’re mezzed, you should not be able to release a pet and piggy purge from it. No actions to be made.

I understand that the game was intended to have imbalances. In fact that’s why we love it. But cmon, really? Stop trolling and let’s get real.
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Re: [GM]Nerf hib or this server will die

Frenchie wrote: Wed Feb 15, 2023 7:42 pm Lots of text...
You waste a lot of breath.

You can discuss this stuff from now and to the end of time, people have tunnel vision, and will never agree their class is OP/Broken and other realms needs a boost.
To agree with that, means you agree you are not as skilled as you thought, and your PvP kills are helped by the class/realm you play.

We had the discussion with Warlocks when they came out, was hopeless, even some of us playing Mid fought to get them nerfed, but people playing them could not see the issue.

The devs just need to look at numbers, 60% LWRPS are hibs, you don't need other data than that.
Even if the Hibs earned this through hard work, amazing leadership, and amazing skill, it still ruins the server, because people will stop playing Mid/Alb over time.
DaoC servers needs a rough equilibrium of Rps/week, otherwise it dies. Doesn't matter if one side hasn't earned their rps, they will stop playing if they don't get the rps.
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