Last try: balance please

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Re: Last try: balance please

[UHHH] Jubbin wrote: Sun Feb 05, 2023 12:13 am

The cap on RR, while I don't mind it on paper to hold sweat necks from being rr9 already, actually gimps the full melee in general..
It's not the realm cap as much as it is the coding.

Every server I have ever played has consistantly gimped the melee chars in favor of ranged casters and hybrids. This has lead to the demise of every server I have played, and Eden doesn't seem to be much different.

At this point in the life of the game, they should just go ahead and eliminate melee chars and make them NPC's that casters can buy and use like pets, as they're little more than fodder and PvE chars compared to pretty much every other class.

List of RR 5 and above heavy tanks:
Warrior - 14
Armsmen - 5......yes.......5
Hero - 24

List of RR 5 and above caster classes:
Sorc - 33
Eld - 46
Runey - 29

Pretty sad, but nothing will be done. It is what it is.
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Re: Last try: balance please

And whats the difference now to the old live-servers with this patch?

You two or three hit a catser with a melee class. What do you want, onehit every caster?
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Re: Last try: balance please

Casters are broken here alone by their sheer utility. Prior to Bards having root, Enchanters having root, you now have every Hib caster hauling around in their truck the most utility ever seen.

Eldritch didn't need Ichor. They have an amazing RR5, a stun, a mezz, nearsight, disease... like, what? They need Ichor, too? Combine that with a Bard now, the pro-kiters of all, who if they mezz you and you purge welcome to root. Combine that with a Mentalist, who can also... do some of the highest damage in the game, heal, mezz, blind you with a rr5, have the benefit of a pet, can also nearsight, cure mezz... stun for 9 seconds.

The list of imbalance is just staggering. It's obvious the Devs have an affinity for Hib and frankly it'll ruin the server quickly. RR5s are out now and people are losing their minds because you have all these Hib casters carried to RR5 by easy mode. I ain't even mad at Albs. Mid is just trash on here and daily I remind myself this is just a freeshard, but man nobody learns anything.
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Re: Last try: balance please

rgarrett wrote: Sat Feb 04, 2023 6:27 pm i like being mezed on my warrior and standing there for 2m while i go outside to smoke a joint tho
I looked up warrior class online, said recommended ages 3-5
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[UHHH] Jubbin
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Re: Last try: balance please

ImprovedCR wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 3:41 pm
rgarrett wrote: Sat Feb 04, 2023 6:27 pm i like being mezed on my warrior and standing there for 2m while i go outside to smoke a joint tho
I looked up warrior class online, said recommended ages 3-5
That's if it required AHK.. THEN I'd believe you...
If you use AHK, then I think it's safe to assume you're in that bracket of age groups lmfao
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Re: Last try: balance please

Hib definitely isn’t underpowered. They also have some great leaders, tho, so it isn’t just classes.
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Re: Last try: balance please

Sloky wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 3:06 pm You two or three hit a catser with a melee class.
No you don't. Takes more than that to bust through 1) bubble 2) ablatives 3) divine intervention 4) heals 5) MoC lifetap 6) intercepting pets 7) RR5 realm abilities

Unless you're assisting another tank, or being assisted, you are NOT going to kill a grouped and buffed caster in RvR with any degree of regularity as a lone heavy/light tank. The dps is just too low compared to everything available to eliminate it in the game.
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Re: Last try: balance please

Yeah, being a tank class feels pretty bad in this server.
I'm by no means an expert, but just getting in range of someone is an effort with all the sprinting and movement options in the game, and even once you are there it is like fighting through water to get the server to let you hit them in the back.

And it feels like part of this, especially the fighting through water thing, is because the sheer speed of server tic updates means there is no lag compensation.

I'm not sure what Light tanks or Heavy tanks are expected to do on this server that hybrids can't.
Obviously, I could just be playing wrong, I am new, but playing MMOs since like 2002 something with the server code for melees smells 'off'. and I don't mean the balance problems players more experienced in this thread are discussing.
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Re: Last try: balance please

galaxgal wrote: Sat Feb 11, 2023 11:12 pm Yeah, being a tank class feels pretty bad in this server.
They are abject garbage on this patch, and little more than fodder for pretty much every other class in the game.

You have to sink ALL your RA's into determination just to get a chance to take a swing at an enemy, and you still get CC'd out of the action more times than not, or get diseased or snared out of a fight. Hybrids will kill you because they have dual DD's they can launch from range that hit just as hard as your 2 handed weapon, or they have stupid "melee" procs and/or heal procs that neither your dps or defense can match. Casters and archers can kite you to death. Basically, a tank is little more than a PvE character in this patch.

I've played my heavy tank to RR5+ on this server, but with the launch of those ridiculous RR5 abilities, and the changes to siege, I'm pretty much done, as the dps is trash no matter what I spec, and I'm sick of being little more than fodder and a ram rider for the rest of the classes.

At this point they should just get rid of melee and make them NPC's that the casters can buy, like the siege merchants in the BG's, because melee classes are just garbage in this game.
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Re: Last try: balance please

I don't disagree but since many are talking about RR9 potential I'm giving the overall balance some time.
Just wondering if melee attacks are always this floaty and unreliable or if it's an Eden server tic thing.
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