Focus on staffs

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Focus on staffs

So can anybody give me the answer what it does

Is focus used on base line spells spec spells?

So many rumours !

Also back in the day i had a caster with shield and a weapon hence the question!

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Re: Focus on staffs

Not 100% sure but this is something you could test in a few minutes to have some sort of answer
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Re: Focus on staffs

I've copied this from the grab bag on the daoc website:

As that old grab bag states, if you do not have a focus staff equipped and are casting a spell on a focus caster your power cost will be increased by 120% of the spell’s normal power cost value.

For example, a spell that costs 70 power (in the delve) will cost 84 power when not using a focus staff on a focus caster.

When a focus staff is equipped, has a focus stat that is higher level than the spell being cast, is of the right spec. line, the staff’s condition is 100%, and your character’s composite specialization level is higher than the spell’s level then the power cost is reduced to 80% of the delved power cost.

Continuing the example, a 70 power cost spell now only costs 56 power with the (fully repaired) focus staff equipped and a higher composite spec. than the spell’s level.

These days, one doesn’t have to worry as much about having the right Focus specialization or +level stat, as almost all focus staffs have a +50 to all magic lines. So just make sure your focus staff is equipped, fully repaired, and that your composite specialization of the spell’s skill line is above the spell’s level to get that full 80% power cost reduction.

Using the same example again, if a focus caster was casting a level 45 spell that cost 70 power and that spell was in a line that the caster only had +30 composite spec in, and they had a fully repaired +50 all focus spells staff equipped they would use 65 power; so getting some reduction but not the full 80% due to the spell’s level being higher than their composite spec. in that line.
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Re: Focus on staffs

Looking at that it seems the shield and weapon is no good any more


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