Feedback about towers change for lower numbers

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Feedback about towers change for lower numbers

I'm sorry to say but attacking and keep if you don't have 70- 80 hiting it is absolutly no fun at all, completly killing the mood.Hiting a keep for 15- 20 minutes while not being sure to take it is incredible frustrating

In your number, you take in case that ram is full at every swing, when you attack a keep with 50 people, ram can't be full if there is some defender.
It's lowering so much keep take, it's not even fun hiting woods for 10+ minutes on a single door, it's incredible boring.

Oil don't take enough dmg from Palintone, right now you are hiting for mostly 800- 1000 damage on an oil, should be way more, it's not even 10% hps of oil. Again somethign that slow down attack like crazy
You take your number like everyone is hiting with the right tools, it's not always possible. ( Ram can't be always full, not everyone got Palintone+ Catapult+ Trebuchet on them)

The problem with last patch was that Trebuchet was doing too much damage on everything, right now catapult don't do enough dmg on players/ Palintone don't do enough dmg on their counter( all Sieges weapons) and Trebuchet is the only one on a good spot to help killing doors

Boosting too much defence possible will make rvr super static, it's already there ( No relics move for 8- 9 days, all action is focus on Midgard since you didn't reset relics with last patch and that's the focus when you want to play rvr)

But not everything is bad, building tower and the way it's use right now is very very good!But i think countering it is a bit too easy, saw this early on, a single rm could destroy my tower in less than 20 second

With that being said, i want to give some ideas to counter it:

( While not knowing it's possible but let's try!) Lowering hps of every level 10 tower should start initiate action, and lowering the door of Erasleigh, Berkstead, Nottmoor, Blendrake, Crimthain, Bolg to give more possibilities of enemy realm to open a port with lower number, while let all main port keep still harder to take ( and giving some counter play too if a big attack is on the way)

Palintone should be a KILLING machine of oil, but right now it's bit too low.
Trebuchet should do a bit more dmg on door, to help on it while not being too toxic for defenders

Just trying to give you some feedback, right now, rvr is not fun if you are not in Pilzpower/ Polemo's BG.

And i want to say, all siege patch were good, giving more possibilities to attack/ defend something is good, but numbers are bad actually with the pop we have

Thanks for all the work you put theres!
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Re: Feedback about towers change for lower numbers

The siege changes are not fun while they're still buggy. This really needed some more testing before it was rolled out. Oil is hitting *upstairs outside the gatehouse doors* right now. It's just a crap change all around. RvR numbers keep declining.
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Re: Feedback about towers change for lower numbers

It does feel like you are required to be in a BG to take anything right now, but even in the BG there is no promise that you can make anything happen, it takes so long to get a tower down that ports cant be broken in the middle of a BG port. Meaning that the BG can port to the keep before we can break the port, so there is 8 groups defending. which makes the keep take impossible or they just rush out and kill us on a tower before we can take it. its a bit harsh right now.
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