Solo pvp balance issues [Friars]

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Solo pvp balance issues [Friars]

What's up with Friars? they get 25% offensive heal proc, and 25% defensive heal proc?
They are near impossible to kill 1:1 with a stealth, melee class, or a hybrid class.

Played on Live, Uth, Phoenix, never have Friars been this OP.
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Re: Solo pvp balance issues [Friars]

Just another dumb a.f. alb class. Stupid classes like that are exactly why there's a whopping total of 8 armsman that are RR 5 or above on the server. How insane do you have to be to give that class heal procs as a buff AND as an anytime weapon style. Just tarded'.

A friar is a better melee character than an armsman, and that's just pants on head tarded'.....but then again, so is a reaver with their stupid "I win" levi style. Things like this is exactly what makes these servers die.
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Re: Solo pvp balance issues [Friars]

Simple fix.. you don't try and fight them solo. Quit whining about a class.
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Re: Solo pvp balance issues [Friars]

Friars are easily killed by Champs, Thanes, VWs... thats some melee classes. Friars are also RP food for any caster or ranged character. So that ~75% of classes can easily kill a Friar.

If you are one of the ~25% of classes that will lose to a Friar, then just run away from them.

Armsman are better in melee than a Friar in smallman/8man/zerg setting. Friar is better in melee than Armsman in 1v1.
If you go back to very early patch date, when no one had buffbots or pots or charges. Then Friars self buffs would make them significantly better than an armsman than they are now.
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Re: Solo pvp balance issues [Friars]

Blitze wrote: Fri Feb 10, 2023 1:23 pm Friars are easily killed by Champs, Thanes, VWs... thats some melee classes. Friars are also RP food for any caster or ranged character. So that ~75% of classes can easily kill a Friar.

If you are one of the ~25% of classes that will lose to a Friar, then just run away from them.

Armsman are better in melee than a Friar in smallman/8man/zerg setting. Friar is better in melee than Armsman in 1v1.
If you go back to very early patch date, when no one had buffbots or pots or charges. Then Friars self buffs would make them significantly better than an armsman than they are now.
The prior early days of a Friar were pretty broken. Arms got more groups than Friars during that time. Lots of classes lose to friar. You're just here to flame the post.
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