Stealth and being seen by players and NPC's

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Stealth and being seen by players and NPC's

The amount in which we are uncovered by NPCs is insane, furthermore, it seems like stealth isn't really stealth anymore as it's much easier than it should be for visibles to just run in your general vicinity and pop you out of stealth. It's kinda ridiculous how easy this is done especially having max stealth in each battleground this has happened in.
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Re: Stealth and being seen by players and NPC's

u mastery of stealth yet?
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Re: Stealth and being seen by players and NPC's

Moodz wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 2:26 pm ... it seems like stealth isn't really stealth anymore as it's much easier than it should be for visibles to just run in your general vicinity and pop you out of stealth.
Can't speak for the bg's, as my experience involves solely level 50 RvR. None of the stealthers I have ran into on my vis chars in DF, or the frontiers, have been any easier to detect than on any other server, at any other time I have played DAOC, be they archer or assassin.

If anything, stealth lore items should be introduced here, as they were on p-nix, to help keep the stealth population in check.
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Re: Stealth and being seen by players and NPC's

rgarrett wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 8:00 pm u mastery of stealth yet?
yeah I'm running mos 5 currently
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[UHHH] Jubbin
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Re: Stealth and being seen by players and NPC's

Idi wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 10:48 pm
Moodz wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 2:26 pm ... it seems like stealth isn't really stealth anymore as it's much easier than it should be for visibles to just run in your general vicinity and pop you out of stealth.
Can't speak for the bg's, as my experience involves solely level 50 RvR. None of the stealthers I have ran into on my vis chars in DF, or the frontiers, have been any easier to detect than on any other server, at any other time I have played DAOC, be they archer or assassin.

If anything, stealth lore items should be introduced here, as they were on p-nix, to help keep the stealth population in check.
I strongly disagree with having any SL functions. there shouldn't be ANY class that needs a population to be in check unless it's an exploit bug or otherwise, in which case we mitigate, not nullify. As far as the OP stated, I tried a sneak before too, 50 comp stealth and green mobs would pop me out of stealth quite often.. on phoenix if I had 50 comp stealth, I could run through PoC.. try that on this server and let me know how far you can make it without ever popping out.. it's literally impossible unless the mobs are already cleared.. It does seem off.
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Re: Stealth and being seen by players and NPC's

[UHHH] Jubbin wrote: Tue Jan 31, 2023 3:08 am try that on this server and let me know how far you can make it without ever popping out.. it's literally impossible
Considering there is a constant stream of stealthers that manage to sneak through all the high con mobs in DF to pad their RP's 24/7 ganking lowbies trying to xp, your argument has no merit, and neither does the OP.
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Re: Stealth and being seen by players and NPC's

Idi wrote: Tue Jan 31, 2023 3:42 am
[UHHH] Jubbin wrote: Tue Jan 31, 2023 3:08 am try that on this server and let me know how far you can make it without ever popping out.. it's literally impossible
Considering there is a constant stream of stealthers that manage to sneak through all the high con mobs in DF to pad their RP's 24/7 ganking lowbies trying to xp, your argument has no merit, and neither does the OP.
lol my argument must have went over your head... This has to do with POPPING OUT OF STEALTH... not that you simply cannot make it through PoC.. I do it all the time, but there hasn't been a time where I didn't get popped out from an NPC lmao.. As far as players, I'm not sure cause I can't ever find them unless I get lucky or they mess up and get too close without doing anything.. Either way.. with 50 comp stealth you shouldn't ever pop out of stealth from a green I'd hope lmao there is merit to my argument when you actually READ what I typed... You even quoted what I typed and still didn't actually read it... I go through PoC all the time on my ranger, and with 50 comp stealth I'll pop out of stealth all the time, thankfully out of aggro range.. But it does feel off.. period.
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Re: Stealth and being seen by players and NPC's

I agree on introducing SL items on Eden. Stealthers are a one way class :

They engage you : you have to take the fight and, most of the time, die because they pick sure-wins
You want to engage them... you cannot since they hidde in the shadows.

SL would help to balance that and mostly help clear stealth camping and stealth groups.
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Re: Stealth and being seen by players and NPC's

Warden wrote: Tue Jan 31, 2023 4:17 pm I agree on introducing SL items on Eden. Stealthers are a one way class :

They engage you : you have to take the fight and, most of the time, die because they pick sure-wins
You want to engage them... you cannot since they hidde in the shadows.

SL would help to balance that and mostly help clear stealth camping and stealth groups.
So you want to take away the one thing stealthers are supposed to have as an advantage for their class to "Balance" it by bringing in stealth lore pots? do we not remember how Phoenix went? it only left the high rr stealthers active and they still got their "Sure-wins"..

Why not ask to nerf their poisons or debuffs or the amount of poisons that can be applied to a target? something else besides their stealth... their supposed to stealth..

Maybe reduce their str/con debuff.. their disease? cap how many poisons that can be active at once on a single target to maybe 3 or something? so they can't just AHK easy weapon swaps with styles? I mean... I get it.. but still.. they are literally supposed to have advantage due to how soft they are.

If we get SL pots, then it's going to create a toxic play environment for THEM... then it'll be another forum post/argument..
If we get SL pots, then let's add something to gimp visies.. Let's talk about nerffing casters quickcast...
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Re: Stealth and being seen by players and NPC's

Moodz wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 2:26 pm The amount in which we are uncovered by NPCs is insane, furthermore, it seems like stealth isn't really stealth anymore as it's much easier than it should be for visibles to just run in your general vicinity and pop you out of stealth. It's kinda ridiculous how easy this is done especially having max stealth in each battleground this has happened in.
I can confirm this 100%.

The range at which non-stealther can see is a stealthed character is completely wrong.
Tested it against live server and you can see the stealther too early and once you do see them the range they have to get away from you is a LOT bigger than the initial spotting distance.

You can basically run over a stealther at speed 5, turn around and find them easily and knock them out of stealth.
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