Muire tomb quest resets progress upon logging out

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Muire tomb quest resets progress upon logging out

After I partially did the Muire tomb quest with some friends last night when we logged back in all of our quest status had reset. At this point i made another party and completed the quest, and fwiw had to clear the monsters i already had "credit" for before progressing the quest. So it did not seem like a visual only bug.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Take level 10+ character in Hibernia Muire Tomb
2. Accept quest at entrance
3. Kill one of the named mobs in the quest description
4. Leave Muire Tomb (we wiped to leave, not sure if it matters)
4. Log out of the game fully
5. Log back in
6. Re-enter Muire Tomb
7. Quest status/kill credit is reset.
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Re: Muire tomb quest resets progress upon logging out

Closing this. Was not able to reproduce and it is either fixed by any of the quest patches or it was caused by quest being edited while you were in progress.