Equipment /use in shade form

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Equipment /use in shade form

Hi Team,

I am almost certain I witnessed a necro shade /use a DD charge while in shade form (and his pet was stunned too, so an extra level of surprise). With some checking, Shade use of DD charge behavior does not appear authentic. Assuming I didn't dream it in the first place.

Parallel evidence,
1.81 notes allude to /use items needing to be specifically enabled for shade form use:
"Quest Notes - Albion
- The Map of the Frontlines is now usable in shade form.
- Sergeant Uwigis's Map, used in the Shrouds of the Deathseeker quest, has now been flagged to be usable in shade form.
Quest Notes - Albion
- Necromancers will now be able to use Master Narudos' List in shade form for the Conspiracy: Forging the Key quest."

Bonus: Heart of Agramon appears to have only been a coop-server item
"The Heart of Agramon is now usable by Necromancers in shade form." ... cmob=12122
- Heart coop only item

Judging from the above, my inference is that basically no items were generally useable in shade form and instead they had to be enabled in a special way. Further, are some accounts from players 2003-2004 and 2006 stating DD charges were not usable among other item types in shade form:

An 'Necromancer only' item in 2003 with DD charge, complaints about it being 'useless':
"not to mention a proc you can't use in shade form"

Feb 6, 2006 -- "Necros can't even use their staff while in shade form and it does no other Albion class any good to run around with a staff with +3 Death Servant/50 Servant focus" ... 250228986/

Mar 23, 2006 — "Can't use Alchemy/Bounty item Pots/Gems and a lot of other charges when in shade form" ... 474/page-3

I am somewhat familiar with a pet-directed heal /use on some necro armor that I assume to be an exception. But I think the above paints somewhat of a picture that offensive use items and specifically DD charge were probably not usable. Again, if I imagined this and necro's cant use DD charges in shade form currently on Eden, my mistake.
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Re: Equipment /use in shade form

Thank you for doing good research. After next patch the necro should not be allowed to use harmful spells while in shade mode.