quest "The King's Champion"

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quest "The King's Champion"


I have a problem with my chanter,
2 times i do the last boss of the quest "The King's Champion" but each time that not valid the last boss:'(
need help :)
i already do this quest with other character and don't have problem..
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Re: quest "The King's Champion"

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Re: quest "The King's Champion"

I had the same problem and can elaborate on this.

The mob was originally put in as a single 8man group instance. Eden allows a BG to roll in but the mob still works how it originally did. The melee in a BG are capable of dropping the mob's health so rapidly that groups that only have spellcasters in them won't get damage in on the mob to get credit. You cannot damage the mob with ranged, and probably melee, while the ghost mobs are up. You will see in your chat logs that your spell hits for xxx and a message either directly above or below that says the mob is immune to damage at this range (even when standing directly on top of the mob). It's this damage immunity that is preventing the tag.

The way to get credit in groups with only casters is to staff the mob on inc. It's the only way to get it fast enough to tag it. I recommend always grouping some melee in your group for this encounter. If you insist on doing it with your boy like I did, you and (s)he need to just staff the mob to ensure you get credit. Really make sure to read your logs before he dies and verify you've done damage and no immunity message went up that corresponds to that damage hit.

The first time I did it I had the same issue and frustration as OP. The second time I did it I broke out the staff and got credit.

For clarity, he can be damaged with magic damage, you just need to get him before he goes into ghost mode which with a decent sized BG will happen faster than you can cast as it's a mob that was meant for an 8man.
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