+Dex from bows broken on multiple bows.

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Dex debuffed when using Nychta's Hamstring Bow (Hib)

When using Nychta's Hamstring Bow I am missing -2 dex and it looks like its being applied as a debuff. If I swap to another bow then I don't have this issue.

Dex debuff with nyctha's equipped

No debuff with another bow
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red dexterity when wearing a chest piece

I have a bug where I get -7 dexterity whenever I have a chestpiece equipped. When I unequip it, the dexterity returns to normal and doesnt show up red. It doesnt matter what kind of chestpiece I'm wearing. It does it with any chestpiece.

heres a screeenshot

edit: it says my images
red dexterity ss.png
red dexterity ss 2.png
please help!
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Re: red dexterity when wearing a chest piece


the chestpiece im wearing in the screenshot thats giving me negative red dexterity is the Cain Conqueror's chestpiece.

the chestpiece doesnt have -dex on it. i checked.

if the chestpiece i wear DOESNT have dexterity on it, it doesnt show up as negative dexterity.
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Re: red dexterity when wearing a chest piece

here are two more screenshots.

another ss of negative dex.png
another ss of negative dex 1.png
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Bugged Item - Bear-Shaman's Ring

- Item Name: Bear-Shaman's Ring
- Steps to reproduce the bug: Equip the ring
- Screenshot of ring's stats and my character's stats with and without it equpped: https://imgur.com/a/i7dduRF
- Combat log if applicable: N/A
- A video link: N/A
- The coordinate of the bug (by using /loc): N/A
- Anything else that might be helpful: Screenshots should tell the whole story. Glad to provide additional context where needed.
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Equipping gear sometimes gives me a -3 dex debuff

I keep seeing a -3 dex debuff when equipping some items (seems random?)

- Item Names that triggered debuff: Hawk Improved Bracer, Cain Conqueror's Leggings, Cain Conqueror's Tunic

- Replicate Look at Dex, Equip the item, Look at Dex again to see a -3 debuff (make sure no other + dex buffs / etc. are on you). Note: I"m not sure its the items as I can have the hawk improved bracer equipped with no debuff, but if I put on one of the other items like the gloves while hawk improved bracer is equipped, then the debuff shows up.

- Screenshots:
Before equipping item that gives the debuff:
Image https://imgur.com/SIluqM0

After equipping item that gives the debuff:

with this gear loadout there is no debuff until I add one of the items in inventory:

Link if images are broken for some reason: https://imgur.com/a/x86ogVk
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Re: +Dex from bows broken on multiple bows.

Yep.. issue still persists...

Using Nychta bow. --3 dex
Using Thurisaz hunter spear --4 dex

Wearing sword/shield no negative.

Interesting it's a double negative.
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Stats in red, no explanation

Hello, my hunter has a perma -3 in dext (in red) which I cannot find any reason for.

Ive tried removing all items and putting them back one by one, it goes away when I remove enough items but comes back when I put them back on if they have dext on them, if I change the order by which I wear them, the issue still happens but with a different object.

Im fully repaired, went to healer and cannot find an explanation.

Please help.
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Re: Stats in red, no explanation

It's a display bug, can find out more here: viewtopic.php?t=828
It's a thread with a collection of reports from this issue.
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Re: +Dex from bows broken on multiple bows.

Issue has not be solved, I currently have it on my hunter.

Up !
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