Style procs are broken and deal significantly more damage than they should

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Style procs are broken and deal significantly more damage than they should

I already left this feedback on the discord, but one of the moderators thought it prudent to delete it.

It is very obvious that all style procs are dealing more damage than they should.
I expect the problem is that they grow in damage with stats (Dex for Staff, dex/str for Flex, Str for Scythe, Left Axe, Sword) and someone put in the wrong formula or value.

Right now the Friar DD with a 75 delve caps at over 300 damage right now and deals significantly more than it does on live.
All other style procs with higher delves are equally broken dealing in excess of 500 damage per hit. Valewalker sidechain hits near 700 damage with the cold DD proc alone.

For some reason one overzealous discord mod thought it a good idea to delete that feedback, going as far as insulting me in DMs and claiming that "this is why did not want a i50 test, because people like you would come and tell us things are wrong".

Which is an excellent way to tell players to fuck off, which is exactly what I am doing after leaving this post.
If moderators have nothing better to do than tell the prospective player base that they are not wanted, ok then. Have it your way.
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Re: Style procs are broken and deal significantly more damage than they should

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It is very obvious that all style procs are dealing more damage than they should.
Then please provide evidence for you claims before posting and we will audit the formulas. When the results are ready, post them in the Bug Report forums and we will implement the fix.

Locking thread.