Stealth Detection

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Stealth Detection

Stealth positions do not update frequently enough and cause stealthed players to "pop" into range much shorter than where they should be. I caught the latest incident on video.

In the attached 20 second video I will explain what happened.

1) I see a nightshade leaving DC. He had not killed anyone recently so he does not have the increased stealth from deathblow up.
2) When he stealths I move into position to try to get a side stun.
3) There was a small-man in the area. When I tab-target one of them I move to get out of the way.
4) As I'm standing still on the bridge I get a PA. I never saw him in stealth at all.

I have watched the video frame-by-frame. The first appearance on my screen of the stealthed nightshade is after the PA lands. You can see in this single frame I have taken the damage from PA and the lurikeen is still not on my screen.


This problem also existed on Celestius in the early days but amoz updated stealth detection and pretty much eliminated the issue (see screenshot of patch-notes). Hopefully those changes can be moved to Eden as they helped a lot with stealth detection.

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Re: Stealth Detection

The code you refer to has been in place since day 1. We're investigating of anything else could cause this.
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