Multiple issues with Volley

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Multiple issues with Volley

First off ill convey how this ability is not working as it should because of the GTAOE height restriction custom change on Celestius that carried over to Eden. The intended purpose of that was to limit the ability for casters to hit the lord rooms/tower levels which require no LoS , and are spammable.

The Celestius staff even said that volley was hit unintentionally by this gtaoe change since it is not spammable, but as the server was winding down it was never "fixed". (Ask Amoz)

Secondly, Volley is abiding by the casters gtaoe no los required which is half way not correct. We tested this on live and it is required to have no in-tact overhead cover for arrows to land. (screen shot is the message from live when trying to fire a gtaoe placed inside a keep or tower that is not destroyed)

You can shoot out of a keep that has a roof, but not into one (tested on live keeps/towers)

TLDR: Volley should not be able to be fired into functioning parts of keeps with overhead cover (lord room etc)
, and volley height restriction needs to be removed in-order to keep this a useful ability that is working correctly
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Re: Multiple issues with Volley

Please don't involve your personal feelings in bug reports.
This post is partially a suggestion and has no place here.