Viable solo PvE and PvP classes for each realm.

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Viable solo PvE and PvP classes for each realm.


Atm i wont be able to engage in alot of group content (combination of short gaming sessions + might need to leave unexpectedly) but I still want to try the game out, to begin with abit more as a loner.

What would you say are good solo pve and pvp classes for each realm?
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Re: Viable solo PvE and PvP classes for each realm.

To compete in RvR solo you need 1 or more of the following: speed / stealth / range.

If you are experienced with DAOC and can get the most out of the utility of the class, then Albion's minstrel hands down is one of the most powerful PvP classes bar none (again, as I the right hands). It is a hard class to master though.

The Skald (Midgard) is another good one, but can get caught out in 1 on 1 combat vs heavy tank shield users as the skald is still just a music/hybrid and not a proper melee class. Theurgist (Albion) can also be solid as they have access to both speed and range plus CC abilities.

Hib solo RvR - probably one of the stealth classes (Nightshade or Ranger) as 'Battle Bard' is again very difficult to pull off - relies on realm rank and timed abilities in the main to win.

And then you have all the various stealth classes, assassins being better overall than archers imho.

Solo PvE - classes that normally excel at this do not work very well in RvR due to PvE speccing etc. But some of the best PvE is necro for Albion (by miles) / Animist for Hib and Bonedancer for Mid - they all perform a very similar function...farming xp and gold.

Midgard's shaman can actually be quite a good farmer with AOE dot and perma sprint with their endo buff - and can, at a pinch, solo in RvR but it is quite difficult and involved a LOT of kiting.

A lot of players make a primary farm character (Necro/Animist/Bonedancer) and then a stealther for RvR
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Re: Viable solo PvE and PvP classes for each realm.

Thank you! Precisely the sort of answer i was looking for :)
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Re: Viable solo PvE and PvP classes for each realm.

Cabalists too are quite good in PvE thanks to pet and dot/disease, and no mana recovery downtime. They are good also in solo PvP, although with no speed, thanks to long range Nearsight, Pet to interrupt and disease. They find a good spot also in groups. Albions-side the Cabby is my favourite toon hands down.
Another good toon for solo PvP is surely the Sorcerer. Lifedrain, speed, amnesia, pet, mezz, root.... it has almost everything you need lol.

Midgard-side: BD can be good in PvP, but wit LT at 8 secs it loses much of its power. Thanes can be good also, with instants and stun/dd/2h combo. Dark specced Spiritmasters can be good, hoping that here the pet stuns, but to be really really strong they need high RR with MOC.

Hib-side I don't know, I've never played much there
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Re: Viable solo PvE and PvP classes for each realm.

Thank you kind sir :)
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Re: Viable solo PvE and PvP classes for each realm.

you can also have alts, maxing out a PvE char is cheap. plus you can park it were you like to farm.
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Re: Viable solo PvE and PvP classes for each realm.

PvE-wise, the Animist is the #1 solo farming toon in Hibernia (IMNSHO).
It is not an easy class to play well, and requires a certain....mindset imo.
There are other classes in Hib that can be lots of fun in solo PvE, but none match the power of the Ani for farming.
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Re: Viable solo PvE and PvP classes for each realm.

Necro will outperform Ani everyday of the week imo in PvE

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Re: Viable solo PvE and PvP classes for each realm.

I give you excuse, because maybe none was playing hib, but the valewalker is one of the funniest and hardest soloRVR chars. he is able to instand root, lifeleech, and many more like a caster; he is one of the hardest melees in the game if he can get positional hit.
In summary after you have seen vws killing steathers after getting a pa or killing a witch even with moc or standing on a bridge with a staff in hand waiting for stupid enough players attacking him because he looks like a caster, will never play another char.

... sry, this dirty tricks guy .... that sucks 1on1 ;-))
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Re: Viable solo PvE and PvP classes for each realm.

What bout the friar?

For pve solo atleast good i guess? And rvr i don t know but can be fine well, as well as the reaver thx to shield and good dmg.

I still cannot decide which class to play too ^^
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