Game balance

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Game balance

Hibs have had all 6 relics for quite a while now. Seems game is geared very much towards Hibernia. Can we expect any adjustments to Mid and Alb classes due to obvious balance issue.
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Re: Game balance

By obvious balance issue you mean Hibs having a high RvR pop during Euro time?

Cause Albs and Mids take all relics almost every night NA time, so nerf Albs and Mids during NA?
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Re: Game balance

Hey look another weekend Hibs over running everything big surprise. Banshee hitting me though a tower while I'm halfway up some stairs. another surprise. So I get on stealther figuring I won't get over ran by Hibs. FGH right to me in the middle of nowhere like I'm visi. Oh then Eld casting at me from range. It's one of two things either geared towards Hibs or Lots of Hibs hacking. Explain to me how I beat a NS down to 1% with Savage then all the sudden he is not taking any damage and he beats me down from 85% had he took damage from just one swing he would have been dead. And then he /rofl me because he knew he pulled some BS. If you are going to make a game you can't play favorites. That is where all the realm jumpers will go. And it takes all the fun and challenge out of game.
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Re: Game balance

Saulous wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2024 9:45 pm Oh then Eld casting at me from range. It's one of two things either geared towards Hibs or Lots of Hibs hacking.
It's literally a technical impossibility to "hack" to see invisible players. The server decides when someone is supposed to be visible to another player. The information is not sent until the server decides you are close enough.

The ratio of truth to bullshit is way too off on your posts.
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Re: Game balance

All these realm jumpers I keep reading about sure are not increasing Hib's population much.

Current server pop 8:21 PM EST:

Albion 38.21%
Midgard 34.39%
Hibernia 27.4%

Are they going to show up sometime? Every night is like this if you play Eastern time.
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