Realms imbalance

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Re: Realms imbalance

9avbbbu wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 6:02 pm I actually left Hibernia to join Albion because it was so unenjoyable.

Now I'm thinking of quitting the game period because being on either side of the roll is no fun. There's nothing you can do when the opposing BG is 4x your size, and you aren't even really rewarded for defending. It's more RPs to just let Hib cap everything, wait for them to have to sleep, and then re-cap, and the cycle starts anew. That can't be fun for anyone really, right?

I wish at least some things would be tried. Nobody is saying nerf Hibernia. But I don't see why bonus RPs, more RPs for a defense you lose, perhaps a timer on how long before a keep can be re-capped, more upkeep costs for holding so many keeps... there are many creative ways to help this problem that don't involve "QQ cry more Alb just sucks" or "QQ cry more Hib is just op". Again, I was on Hibernia first, and winning via constant unbeatable zerg wasn't fun to me so I left... but neither is losing to it either. At least on Hib I was getting RPs.
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Re: Realms imbalance

9avbbbu wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 6:02 pm I actually left Hibernia to join Albion because it was so unenjoyable.

Now I'm thinking of quitting the game period because being on either side of the roll is no fun. There's nothing you can do when the opposing BG is 4x your size, and you aren't even really rewarded for defending. It's more RPs to just let Hib cap everything, wait for them to have to sleep, and then re-cap, and the cycle starts anew. That can't be fun for anyone really, right?

I wish at least some things would be tried. Nobody is saying nerf Hibernia. But I don't see why bonus RPs, more RPs for a defense you lose, perhaps a timer on how long before a keep can be re-capped, more upkeep costs for holding so many keeps... there are many creative ways to help this problem that don't involve "QQ cry more Alb just sucks" or "QQ cry more Hib is just op". Again, I was on Hibernia first, and winning via constant unbeatable zerg wasn't fun to me so I left... but neither is losing to it either. At least on Hib I was getting RPs.
I have a hard time to understand your opinion. You wrote "I played HIB and I won" was boring, then I played ALB and i lost" which was also boring.
Tell me what do you find amusing? not DaoC for sure, if you mind both loosing and winning??? Anyway it is a free world so you could go and play something else if that is better.
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Re: Realms imbalance

vonwar. wrote: Sun Mar 24, 2024 8:34 pm I have a hard time to understand your opinion. You wrote "I played HIB and I won" was boring, then I played ALB and i lost" which was also boring.
Tell me what do you find amusing? not DaoC for sure, if you mind both loosing and winning??? Anyway it is a free world so you could go and play something else if that is better.
I worded that poorly then, what I mean is that I simply enjoy a good fight where things could go one way or the other at points. Nobody likes watching football where one team just stomps the other the whole game. Of course I like to win just like anyone else, but it has no satisfaction if it was just because my giant BG steamrolled the meager opposition. Maybe I'm just weird, but a win means more if you fought hard for it, not just happened to be in a big zerg.

I don't mind losing either, if a good fight was had - but losing a seemingly impossible fight is just demoralizing. Why even try in the future?
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Re: Realms imbalance

Having been zerg-surfing to get to RR5, it's been a see-saw month of March.

One night can see Cirew running 40+ deep with great group setups to push and DPS albs and Hibs into the ground. The three Relic Night was an example of those numbers a week or two ago iirc. We recently took another Relic three nights ago and the battles were back and forth. That was a fun night.

Last night was rough for mid because we couldn't get anything going. A NA primetime Dragon Raid rolled into a TG raid which then rolled into a mini-dragon raid. Mid's RvR BG suffered from those numbers not being in the frontier.

Alb from what I see as a Mid handles RvR like a PVE raid. Throw as many as you can at it. By as many as you can, I mean
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Re: Realms imbalance

vonwar. wrote: Sun Mar 24, 2024 8:34 pm
9avbbbu wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 6:02 pm I actually left Hibernia to join Albion because it was so unenjoyable.

Now I'm thinking of quitting the game period because being on either side of the roll is no fun. There's nothing you can do when the opposing BG is 4x your size, and you aren't even really rewarded for defending. It's more RPs to just let Hib cap everything, wait for them to have to sleep, and then re-cap, and the cycle starts anew. That can't be fun for anyone really, right?

I wish at least some things would be tried. Nobody is saying nerf Hibernia. But I don't see why bonus RPs, more RPs for a defense you lose, perhaps a timer on how long before a keep can be re-capped, more upkeep costs for holding so many keeps... there are many creative ways to help this problem that don't involve "QQ cry more Alb just sucks" or "QQ cry more Hib is just op". Again, I was on Hibernia first, and winning via constant unbeatable zerg wasn't fun to me so I left... but neither is losing to it either. At least on Hib I was getting RPs.
I have a hard time to understand your opinion. You wrote "I played HIB and I won" was boring, then I played ALB and i lost" which was also boring.
Tell me what do you find amusing? not DaoC for sure, if you mind both loosing and winning??? Anyway it is a free world so you could go and play something else if that is better.
It is not hard to understand his points. Try to think harder next time. The point is that participation does not feel rewarding if the outcome is already predetermined. If you always win, it sucks. If you always lose, it sucks. What sucks more is if your participation has no effect on the outcome.

Im only playing this server for a month now (on Mid) and yea, Hibernia has the numbers. Many times we are doing fine fighting smaller skirmishes but when the hib zerg arrives its over and its mainly about raw numbers. Im too new to say that it is getting on my nerves but i can see why others may be frustrated.

Balancing-wise I dont see an issue. Baseline stuns were always a thing. I dont remember from the old days that a single caster hib could 3-4 shot fully temped guys during the stun-period, but whatever. With the different time-zones its also really difficult to balance realm participation in general.

My personal take would be to implement some kind of dynamic RVR-player-count-bonus. The realm with the least people engaging in RvR gets 30% extra rp, the second one 15% and the most populated realm 0% extra rp. This wouldnt scare die-hard realm-fans away from their realm but may motivate some of the more not-so-set players to play a weaker realm.

Dont know if my take is the best answer to the problem but something should be implemented to tackle this situation. I have seen the whole RVR-zone painted green (multiple times), but never blue or red. That should be changed
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Re: Realms imbalance

I guess it depends on your playtime...

East Coast US nightime usually has Mids with 40% or more of the numbers. Hib is almost always the least populated when I play. Seems like the problem isn't realm imbalance as much as it's population bulging at certain times, or for certain BG leaders.
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Re: Realms imbalance

I play from 8am ish Central time to midnight every day. From 8am to 4pm ish it's 100% dominated by Hibs. To the point we gave up on recapping anything so they will not have anything to do (in alb anyway) and hopefully get bored and reroll a under pop realm. Since when did you see all 3 realms red at once. I have not since playing here but it's a regular occurrence these days for hib to turn all 3 green. You dont accomplish that with underpop.

I agree, it's not much fun constantly getting rolled by superior numbers :( I just rolled a stealther and stopped playing visi's unless KOTH.
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Re: Realms imbalance

perseus7777 wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 11:01 pm I play from 8am ish Central time to midnight every day. From 8am to 4pm ish it's 100% dominated by Hibs. To the point we gave up on recapping anything so they will not have anything to do (in alb anyway) and hopefully get bored and reroll a under pop realm. Since when did you see all 3 realms red at once. I have not since playing here but it's a regular occurrence these days for hib to turn all 3 green. You dont accomplish that with underpop.

I agree, it's not much fun constantly getting rolled by superior numbers :( I just rolled a stealther and stopped playing visi's unless KOTH.
alb here.. lord help you if you dont have a regular KOTH team or not ready to discord every match. i havent gotten to rvr or quest in NF once since this boycott thing began 3 days ago. it's like the whole game is KOTH now. i just wish people would acknowledge that to some degree it is hurting some Albion players as well. there is literally nothing to do now if you don't have regular RVR buds and relied on PUGs in the past, and you can't go do castle supplies or deserters or writs because every gate and dock and quest mob is camped by mid or hib. i've been stuck in Catt for days. not all of us have deep roots that go back to Phoenix and a whole team of DAOC friends. not all of us are social butterflies. i like grouping just as much as the next guy, but having zero solo options just sucks for me. it may be my fault i can't get a group, but it's not my fault Albion's frontier is so messed up either, and yet i also have to pay for it while the typical all-stars stack RPs sky high duking it out in EV without care and /broadcasting how fun it is. squidward looking out of his window dot jpeg.
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Re: Realms imbalance

9avbbbu wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 11:19 pm
perseus7777 wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 11:01 pm I play from 8am ish Central time to midnight every day. From 8am to 4pm ish it's 100% dominated by Hibs. To the point we gave up on recapping anything so they will not have anything to do (in alb anyway) and hopefully get bored and reroll a under pop realm. Since when did you see all 3 realms red at once. I have not since playing here but it's a regular occurrence these days for hib to turn all 3 green. You dont accomplish that with underpop.

I agree, it's not much fun constantly getting rolled by superior numbers :( I just rolled a stealther and stopped playing visi's unless KOTH.
alb here.. lord help you if you dont have a regular KOTH team or not ready to discord every match. i havent gotten to rvr or quest in NF once since this boycott thing began 3 days ago. it's like the whole game is KOTH now. i just wish people would acknowledge that to some degree it is hurting some Albion players as well. there is literally nothing to do now if you don't have regular RVR buds and relied on PUGs in the past, and you can't go do castle supplies or deserters or writs because every gate and dock and quest mob is camped by mid or hib. i've been stuck in Catt for days. not all of us have deep roots that go back to Phoenix and a whole team of DAOC friends. not all of us are social butterflies. i like grouping just as much as the next guy, but having zero solo options just sucks for me. it may be my fault i can't get a group, but it's not my fault Albion's frontier is so messed up either, and yet i also have to pay for it while the typical all-stars stack RPs sky high duking it out in EV without care and /broadcasting how fun it is. squidward looking out of his window dot jpeg.

I dont know there has been Albion Bg in Ev haveing lots fun fights vs mids and hibs where hibs cant abuse defending keeps with mushrooms quick cast stun nucks from walls and banishess nucking you through walls.
Keeps and relics are pointless in the game and hibneria BG leader tactics taken all keeps early morning EU time when no one online is boreing people. You come on Eu primetime to reatake and same HIb leader chases the the fires and hits you in rear or the side with bg twice your size. Or they just sit camping the keep. Now fighting hibs open field in EV has been a blast it takes all the inbalnace and advantages of hibernia away and gives the other realms more fun fights even if there still outnumberd by hibneria. Its there own fault if people choose go koth or fght in EV this is a creation of Hibernia leader and the realm inbalance of clases. People won't like me posting the truth but it is what it is. If you can't tell my name is from me playing Hibernia alot in the past on severel servers. And if you played the game since 2001 you should know by now the problems with game balance.
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Re: Realms imbalance

I see the points of BG leaders from HIB taking keeps when they are online. Back on Prydwen EU we had the same problem with albs. They took the whole frontier when we were sleeping cause they were either not working or working different hours, if they were from EU. It was frustrating but nothing to do about it. Back then i was MID for 10 years.

I really hope that the HIB BG leaders will carry on doing their stuff, cause as i see it ALB/MID are doing exactely the same. When i sleep they paint back a green frontier into red and blue. So what is the big deal.

In war you always use the weakness of your enemies for your own advantage, and to minimize casulaties. So what is the point running around doing nothing but open fights and finding out ahh Now Mids are here, or now Albs are here, now we are allowed to take their keeps and towers, such rubbish.

I dont care about 8 vs 8, small man, 1 vs 1 to me this is a massive multiplayer game where the BG is the only way to siege the enemy and bring him defeats.

I have heard about the boycot, we also had a boycot on Prydwen/Dyvet by Hibs many years ago, they were actually underpopulated, a bit like Albs here, seen from statistics. They released all keeps and towers for 1-2 weeks, in protest against getting attacked.

It meant nothing we were down to MID vs ALB, and who cared about that??? Nobody we had some good fights against albs and hibs finally came back.

Things change, hibs have been the dominating realm on Ywain for very long time. Nothing to do about it there, nothing here, undless MID/ALB get the numbers, and use good enough tactics to win. Not in 8 vs 8 that is a skirmish, but in the big battles in the BG fights.

When it get late in Europe i see MID BG numbers of up to 170 players, and ALB ones of about 100, so what is the big deal. Some of us never will go out into RvR unless it is a BG dominated frontier, if not, well then i will be playing on Gaheris and haivng fun or playing another game.

Pop numbers right now 15 APR 02:30 CET are: 36 % MID, 29% ALB, 35% HIB, so please tell me "WHERE IS THE UNDERPOPULATED REALM" ??? those numbers are very close and varies every day/night.
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