Ml10 / Draco not being done, why?

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Ml10 / Draco not being done, why?

Draco kill is a condition to being able to buy loot with glass. Less than 2 weeks after ML10 came out, it is hardly run any more. Why?

My guesses are that the gear is underwhelming (notably, proc rates low) and the opportunity cost of redoing a template is more than what it is worth. The gear either needs to be more impressive thus people doing the raid more often, OR tone it down on difficulty, or make the Writ of Valor able to achieve Draco credit for purchasing with glass.

If gear stays the same benefit- make it more accessible.
If gear increases in benefit- more will likely do the raid; but consider lowering difficulty. Last night I watched on my ranger as 35ish mids wiped on Draco after slowly killing the other 4 bosses... It states 16+, but 35ish wiped?

I'd like to use my glass now... been trying for days to get credit with zero interest from others.
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Re: Ml10 / Draco not being done, why?

Its an unreliable pita of a raid and there's little incentive to rerun it because of currency conversion.

Only Draco matters, which makes the first 4 NPC a total waste of time. You can waste that time to have a much larger BG who was camping at the portal zone in and undo everything. This is after finding the location and getting everybody there before it closes.

Once you've unlocked the merchant, it's more sensible to just go get glass other places and buy what you need.
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Re: Ml10 / Draco not being done, why?

The most sensible answer in my opinion seems to be... Add it to the Writ of Valor.
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