Intangible in RVR

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Intangible in RVR

So, I'm submitting this because of two reasons. Obviously it's a bug, and shouldn't have happened (got two screenshots, but no video, I apologise), and secondly, I don't want to be banned for people thinking I was cheating somehow!

Joined RVR BG as Maxim, my Armsman, ported to Beno, and took the boat to Hib Coast. As the boat was going, I was being tethered and left behind repeatedly. One moment I'd be on the boat, then I'd be in the water, and then suddenly back on the boat. Repeat the entire process until the boat dumps me at Hib Coast.

Okay, no biggie, I suppose. I'm here. I stick up to my group, and run around with them. I'm in range of their buffs, getting RPs from kills, etc.

Run into a full BG of Mids. All right, let's rock!

...except I can't hit anyone. My combat log shows 'preparing to Slam' etc, but no message of 'out of range' or why I'm not actually hitting anyone.

...then I realise I'm not actually being hit, either, and I'm -surrounded- by Mids at this point.

I'm intangible. Cannot hit anyone. Cannot be hit. For all intents and purposes, I don't exist where I am...except that people can see me, follow me, buff me, emote at me, etc. Just cannot do combat.

It was suggested I /disembark, but it just said I wasn't in a boat. Not sure what caused this, except for some weird 'out of bounds' type glitch, but I didn't do anything abnormal.

Apologies for the lack of video. Didn't realise anything was wrong until I ran through an entire BG of Mids and didn't get touched.

Edit 1 - Hib group came along and tried to blow me up as well on the way to drown myself to try and 'reset' me. They couldn't damage me, either. One even tried to PBAoE me without success, so it's not even a targetting issue. I'm just not really where I am.

Edit 2 - Releasing didn't fix the issue. I was unable to get on a boat (though I could interact with NPCs), and a Nightshade named Stranded couldn't even hit me. I ported back to Catterick and tried to /quit when I got the message 'You must dismount before you can exit'. Now, naturally, I wasn't mounted as you can see in the screenshot, so I had to essentially crash my DAoC client. Reloading it now to see if that resolved the issue.

Edit 3 - I can die now, yaaaay! Stranded and two other Hib Stealthers killed me at Beno Docks. Issue resolved with a hard reboot of the game.

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Re: Intangible in RVR

Oh man, we thought you were just window dragging.

You were like lag running through trees and stuff.

Good to know it wasn't cheating.
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Re: Intangible in RVR

m_a_z_e wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 12:13 am Oh man, we thought you were just window dragging.

You were like lag running through trees and stuff.

Good to know it wasn't cheating.
Oh, I am glad that someone from the Mid BG saw this. :D

The entire time I was thinking, "They're going to think I'm cheating like crazy." It's why I /shrug'ed a lot, to try and convey that I've no idea what is going on as well.
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